High-performance 3D modeling of a full-wave seismic field for seismic survey tasks.

№3 (2017)

Zakirov A.V.,Levchenko V.D.,Ivanov A.V.Perepelkina A.Yu.,Levchenko T.V.,Rok V.E

The paper describes a method for solving the problem of the propagation of seismic waves based on a numerical solution of the equations of the theory of elasticity using high-performance program code based on locally recursive nonlocal asynchronous (LRnLA) algorithms realized with using CUDA for general-purpose computing for graphics processing units (GPGPU). Results of code testing and examples of theoretical seismograms are represented.

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Keywords: seismic waves, theoretical seismograms, numerical modeling, locally recursive nonlocal asynchronous algorithm (LRnLA), parallel computing, CUDA, GPGPU.