№2 (2015)

   Geoinformation systems

The information queries development of the Cartographic Information Retrieval System (CIRS) of the State bank of digital geological information (SBDGI).
Bliskavitsky A.A., Chutchikov N.N.

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Cartographic Information Retrieval System (CIRS) of the State bank of digital geological information accumulate metadata and spatial data of geological reports reflecting Russian exploration. CIRS can provide real-time data from the digital storage. The new CIRS search services are considered, including universal spatial-attributive, fulltext and analytical queries.

The quality-factor analysis of the Earth’s crust and mantle of the Northern Tien-Shan on the basis of the developed Coda Q software package.
Sycheva N.A., Sychev V.N., Sychev I.V., Iliichev P.V.

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The software package (SP) Coda Q for the medium Q-factor computation on the basis of single scattering model was developed. It allows preparation, verification and processing of local earthquakes records by the prescribed algorithm. SP was used for the Q-factor computation on the territory of North Tian-Shan on the basis of earthquakes occurred on the territory explored for the period 1999-2012. For every station the function of Q-factor – frequency dependence (Qc(f) = Q0 · fn) mode was received. The results obtained are used for attenuation function development,which is engaged in focus spectrum generation, which, in turn, for computation of earthquake dynamic parameters isused.

Software implementation of modern processing procedures gravity data within the information analytical system «GRAVIS».
Bychkov S.G., Simanov A.A., Khokhlova V.V.

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The improved procedures for gravity calculation are provided, which can enhance the accuracy and reliability ofthe observed data. The new reduction procedures take into account modern data of the earth shape. Algorithms for computation are developed within GIS technologies. A case study of gravity survey data processing performed in the Perm territory shows that the modern processing procedures can increase the information content of gravity data.

   Application of GIS technologies

Using of GIS-technology for microstructural analysis in geology.
Ustinov S.A., Petrov V.A.

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For realization and partial automation of the solution of tasks of the special technique of microstructural analysis the program module integrated into GIS was developed by authors. Researches were conducted on the basis of the ArcView 3.2 program of the ESRI Company, which includes the internal environment of development – theobject-oriented Avenue programming language. This programming language is rather simple and was used by authors for development of necessary functions of the program module in relation to the spatial analysis of microstructures.The represented module in total with basic functions and the GIS tools allows carrying out pasting of separate sections images of a petrographic thin section, their joining in one system of relative coordinates, marking of all microstructures in thin section, marking of microobjects on types, on age and genesis. Besides, in a program code algorithms of automatic calculation of geometrical parameters of microstructures are put, and also there is a possibility of identification of various systems and generations of microcracks and microstructures. On the basis of reconstruction of geometry of a network of microcracks the module allows to count filtration characteristics (spatial and directional porosity and permeability) of rocks in paleo- and modern conditions at various stages of deformation of geological bodies. Representation of results in the form of simple charts is realized (schedules, histograms), and possibility ofcreation of roses charts, which are extremely necessary in process of studying of cracks in rocks for geology,hydrogeology and geophysics is also developed.

Methodological aspects of the use of remote sensing data in the state geological survey.
Zlobina T.G.

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The article describes the application of remote sensing to improve the efficiency of the state geological controlat the regional level. A scheme of obtaining information about objects of subsoil using remote sensing data (RSD) using the software ENVI, and MapInfo at various stages of the work. Describes the direct, indirect interpretive features and spectral characteristics of the objects. Shows examples of practical analysis of the shooting by the methods of remote sensing data in certain areas of fields and quarries. Wecon sider the interpretation of the data in the GIS PGI-systems with the integration of thematic databases. Using the procedure described above the following tasks: updating the information resource for the projects ofcommon mineral resources (PGI) and the observation of the phenomena occurring in the dynamics, the identification of irregularities in the mining SPR detection of unauthorized mining, use case analysis and development of the resource base, the evaluation results of reclamation and forecast the effects of reclamation LOM stocks.

Exploration of watersheds land cover water-regulation functions using GIS and remotesensing data.
Bortnovsky Z.V.

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A direct connection between the peculiarities of watershed land cover and the structure of annual river flow is established. The research is based on approaches elaborated by the author using GIS-technologies. It has been done on example of two watersheds located in upper reaches of the Andoma and Ema river basins, Vologda region. It is shown that replacement of forest areas by farmlands results in increase of intra-annual river flows fluctuations. Spring floods and low water summer and winter seasons are intensified.

Regional aerospace services using Russian geographic information systems.
Podolskiy V.E., Nemtinov V.A., Lopandya A.V., Nemtinova Yu.V.

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In this paper, we discuss the issues of development of an information and technical base for providing regional space services using Russian geographic information system. We describe the ways of solving the following problems:–development of a regional program for implementation of satellite navigation technologies using GLONASS and the results of other space-related programs for social and economic development and innovations in Tambov region for 2015-2020;–development of infrastructure of a space service center;–implementation of pilot projects for monitoring of educational institutions, agricultural natural and environmental objects, creation of 3D-models of Tambov.Establishment of a regional center for space services in Tambov region will allow all interested users to have immediate access to reliable information obtained from the space and other sources, which will facilitate in making operational managerial decisions. Its innovative-educational unit offers great opportunities for learning and training of specialist and government employees, who use the results of space programs for well-being of the region.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Determination model of physical and mechanical properties of the overburden career with the help of seismic.
Romanov V.V., Rahmatullin I.I., Grokholsky S.A.

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The article describes the technology and the results of the evaluation changes in physical and mechanical properties of the overburden quarries using the method of refracted waves seismic engineering. As an example,consider one of the limestone quarries near Moscow, where the roof is covered Carboniferous carbonate deposits of10–15-meter thick layer of clay, loam Meso-Cenozoic age. A distinctive feature of the technology used in contactless measuring the characteristics of rocks in situ without drilling and screening of numerous samples.Discloses a technique of seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation of particular materials, the method of calculation of the required physical and mechanical properties.Identified patterns provide a glimpse of the gradient nature of the distribution properties of overburden and to introduce the necessary adjustments to the design of quarrying.