The method of fuzzy inference and information security model results in Petroleum Geology.

№2 (2016)

Kobrunov A.I.,Dorogobed A.N.Kozhevnikova P.V.

The paper advances the principles and methods for creating fuzzy adequate geological model fuzziness of input data for modeling. The analysis is based on the representation of the original data in the form of fuzzy variables and fuzzy petrophysical model as the relationship between these values. The theoretical basis and technology of system reliability ranked on physical and geological models of oil reservoir in the form of a geological model of fuzzy fuzziness adequate baseline data. The basis of the review of the design of fuzzy petrophysical model as an alternative to the traditional concept of the petrophysical model. Its difference lies in the fact that for each of the parameter values of the membership function is constructed that characterizes the relationship between these parameters and having a sense of confidence-building measures. Handling is carried out based on the method of fuzzy inference Mamdani, which provides building information model. Created apparatus constructed defuzzification fuzzy model based on alpha-sections, which displays the level of information security and compliance data available geological and geophysical data. As an example, consider one of the fields in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province, which is given to the sequence of α-sections of the geological model for the forecast parameter oil-bearing.

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Keywords: fuzzy variables, membership function, fuzzy relations, fuzzy petrophysical model, fuzzy inference method, defuzzification, α-section.