№3 (2014)

   Application of GIS technologies

GIS “Ecological study of the southern seas of Russia” on the technological platform ArcGIS Online.
Arkhipova O.E.

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The object of the study is a marine ecosystems of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. The work was done on the basis of the Institute of arid zones ofthe South scientific center of RAS (IAZ SSC RAS). The main subject of research is the ecological study of marine ecosystems. Data about the research studies,conducted by a team of SSC RAS and IAZ SSC RAS, assessment of the degree of completeness of the information about the received measurements, and in thefuture the results of these measurements, should be made available to all users in organization. However, often users do not have working with a specialized GIS software or have not special software on each user’s workplace.Additionally, strict requirements impose for the shared storage of the data. Using the «cloud» or geoportal technologies allows the means available to solve this problem. And it should be noted that all requirements for security, access privileges, organization of data transfer is solved on the side of «the cloud».

To create a new version of a web application based on the «cloud»technologies were used MS Access, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online. GIS-project,submitted for publication in the “cloud”, includes database and GIS applications of the local version information system “Ecological study of the southern seas of Russia”.

Application of geoinformation technologies for accomplishing geographic and cartographic tasks on the base of remote sensing data.
Permyakov R.V.

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Author`s examples of digital elevation models (DEM) practical application in various spheres of human activity including a civil construction, an agriculture and a water industry are given on the base of a synthesis of geoinformation and photogrammetric technologies of processing remote sensing data. The effectiveness of digital photogrammetric workstations for creating DEM is founded. A necessity of geoinformation providing of modeling complex environmental processes is underlined.

GIS-technology in creation of seamounts catalog and GIS-model of the Fe-Co-Mn CRUST on the seamounts (Magellan seamount Pacific ocean).
Chesalova E.I.

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There are more than 200 thousands seamounts, atolls and islands in theWorld Ocean. Investigation of its relief gives scientists big opportunities in exploration of ocean volcanism and underwater ore deposits. Known seamount catalogs do not give enough information for mathematical analysis ofspatial-time regularities in seamount distribution. In order to solve this problem we have developed the algorithm of seamount recognition from bathymetric data and their morphometric characteristics calculation.GIS-technology and bathymetric data GEBCO_08 (http://www.gebco.net) has been used for this calculation. The study of seamount’s morphometric characteristic salso has applied relevance. More than half century has passed after the discovery of iron-manganese ores on the surface of underwater mountains. GIS tools have been used to analyze spatial correlation of ore-crust distribution with different morphometric characteristics.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Formation of fluid fringes in the gas-condensate reservoir during the intrusion of formation water.
Petrenko V.I., Petrenko N.N., Petrenko I.N.

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Using accurate measurement of flow rates of gas, condensate,condensation and formation waters, as well as the content of chloride ion in these waters has allowed to reveal the mechanism of formation of fluids rims of formation water infiltrating in the gas condensate reservoir.

Modeling of road network between the ancient settlements: estimate basedon archival cartographic materials.
Zhurbin I.V., Petrov R.P., Chirkova O.T.

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The method allowed to simulate the configuration of the road network between the settlements is developed. The proposed optimization approach provides compromise between the long and laboriousness (relief, water obstacles). Using historical maps (the map of Vyatka province 1888-1898 gg.)for verification of the model has proven the reliability of the simulation results. It is shown the using of cartographic information from historical maps can significantly improve the results of modeling the configuration of roads.

Information-metodics aspects of estimation true gold content in orebodies (in coarse gold occurences within Orton-Balyksin area, Kuznetsky Alatau).
Konyshev V.O., Gorelov A.G.

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Reliability of ordinary sampling in evaluation of coarse gold occurrences was found to below. It was determined that absolute errors for average gold grade assessment by ordinary sampling increase not only as ore grades enhance but also for low metal grade classes. The need to use rates to correct average grades in orebodies. To estimate the true content in the ore bodies necessity to use empirically derived coefficients for correction of the average contents of Au,calculated from the results of ordinary testing. Correction factor is the reciprocal of the probability of determining the true contents of gold assaying ordinary. To calculate the proposed scheme, which reproduces the charge-discharge processes capacitor or relaxation processes in materials.


Estimation of allowable influence on water objects by development of sedimentary iron ores of Bakcharsky ore unit (Tomsk area).
Savichev O.G., Domarenko V.A., Mazurov A.K.

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Techniques are offered:

1)  estimations of background concentration of substances in ground,bog and river waters in area of Bakcharsky iron ore unit (in the administrative relation – in Tomsk region of the Russian Federation, in geographical relation– in the Western Siberia, in a the Middle Ob river basin) as top limit of anerror of definition of average geometrical values;

2)  allowable influence of development of this object on ground and surface water objects, switching oligotrophic and mesotrophic bogs, on the basis of comparison of two line, corresponding to the background and changed conditions. On the basis of generalization of the given long-term hydrogeochemical supervision background concentration Ca2+, Mg2+,Na+, K+, HCO3, SO42−,Cl, NO3, NO2,NH4+, PO43−,Si, Fe, organic substances as bichromate and permanganate oxidability in bog,river and ground waters are determined, allowable concentration of polluting substances in the industrial sewage formed in process of chink hydroextraction of iron ore are designed. That excess of a geochemical background will be possible at dump of the sewage containing polluting substances in quantities,more than twice exceeding background concentration in water objects – receivers of sewage.