№3 (2017)

   Geoinformation systems

The spatial analysis of a lake network of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic by means of GIS-technologies.
Katorgin I.Yu., Shkarlet K.Yu., Roman A.N.

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The structure of GIS «Lakes of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic» is shown. Possibilities of use of GIS-packages for the analysis of spatial distribution of lakes are considered. The spatial analysis of distribution of lakes across the territory of the republic in a section of large orographical units, catchment basins is carried out, distribution of lakes by elevation intervals and the exposure of the slopes.

Ensuring the quality of geological information management in the State Вank of Digital Geological Information (SBDGI).
Bliskavitsky A.A.

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The article is devoted to the ensuring the quality of geological information management in the SBDGI, where geological information is collected, stored, checked, described by metadata, integrated, processed, visualized, provided as a result of the request, distributed. Sure management decisions based on geological information are possible only with the correct implementation of each such stage.
In the SBDGI, geological information is managed using the Cartographic Information Retrieval System (CIRS), which is interfaced with the file storage. The system supports verification of geological information, elements of electronic document management, cataloging, search and provision of geological information to citizens and organizations on the basis of the geoportal. The most important task of the SBDGI is to ensure the high quality of geological information based on the high quality of its management by CIRS.
The advanced information technologies providing quality of geological information management in the SBDGI are described.

   Application of GIS technologies

Monitoring of vegetation oil producing areas of Tomsk region using satellite data.
Peremitina T.O., Yashchenko I.G., Dneprovskaya V.P.

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Monitoring of vegetation cover oil-producing areas of Western Siberia for the period 2010-2015 using topical products MODIS. A method for assessing the impact of various factors on the ecology of oil and gas production areas on the basis of remote sensing of vegetation on the value of the coefficient of NDVI. Approbation of the proposed technique performed to oil fields technologically disturbed areas of Tomsk region.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

High-performance 3D modeling of a full-wave seismic field for seismic survey tasks.
Zakirov A.V., Levchenko V.D., Ivanov A.V., Perepelkina A.Yu., Levchenko T.V., Rok V.E

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The paper describes a method for solving the problem of the propagation of seismic waves based on a numerical solution of the equations of the theory of elasticity using high-performance program code based on locally recursive nonlocal asynchronous (LRnLA) algorithms realized with using CUDA for general-purpose computing for graphics processing units (GPGPU). Results of code testing and examples of theoretical seismograms are represented.

Parallel algorithms of solving linear algebraic equations of big dimensions arising at the solving inverese geophyscal problems.
Raevsky D.N., Stepanova I.E.

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Parallel algorithms of solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) of big dimensions with noisy right hand side arising at the solving inverse geophysical problems are presented in this paper. The inverse problem is solved by modified S-approximation method which is one of variants of the linear integral representation method elaborated by academician of RAS V.N. Strakhov. The algorithm of block contrasting method (BCM) which is that separating the investigated area into subareas of most intensive anomalies is given in this paper. SLAE is solved by regularizated iterative three-layer Chebyshev method for each constructed subareas, and then the union of all obtained solutions is chosen as zero approximation for the whole system. The parallel algorithms are written with using MPI library. The efficiency and stability of the developed algorithms on the example of interpretation of the gravity data are presented.


GIS-modeling of forest ecosystems disturbance using multiyear remote sensing data.
Terekhin E.A.

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Application spatial statistics methods and geoinformation modeling open a new opportunities for analysis of long-term changes in forest and estimation of forest ecosystems disturbance. This paper presents the results of application of spectral reflectance obtained from Landsat TM data for estimation disturbance of forest ecosystems typical for forest-steppe zone Central Russian Upland. The Possibility of using near infrared surface reflectance values, calculated in cells of regularly net, for mapping forest ecosystems disturbance was shown. By using ArcGIS geoinformation system relation between age of forest stand and surface reflectances was studied. Using Landsat multispectral data time series obtained 1986-2011 the dynamic of forest disturbance due to clear-cuttings was estimated. It has been established that percent of strongly disturbed ecosystems decreased in 2,5 times. The cartograms characterizing spatial-temporal changes in forest stand were obtained. Obtained results can be used to geoinformation mapping forest ecosystems disturbance.