№4 (2017)

   Geoinformation systems

Dynamics of oil and gas industry development in the 20th century using the world’s largest deposits as an example: GIS project and web service.
Odintsova A.A., Gvishiani A.D., Rybkina A.I., Samokhina O.O., Astapenkova A.A., Firsova E.Yu.

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The article describes the results of developing a GIS project to prepare an information base for an analytical study of hydrocarbon production (HC) development methods in Russia and other countries of the world. The period from 1900 to 2000 is considered. The collected and processed information will allow to systematically analyze the methods and volumes of HC exploration and assess the pace of oil and gas industry development in different countries.
To achieve this goal, the authors have implemented a number of subprojects: data collection and processing; development and filling of the database (DB) with geospatial data on hydrocarbon deposits; creation of a web service with advanced functionality based on the Esri Geoportal Server software platform; conducting preliminary analytical classification (model example) of the examined deposits using geoinformatics methods.

   Application of GIS technologies

Long-term monitoring of lithospheric gas emission in condition of Arctic region.
Chesalova E.I., Baskakov S.S., Asavin A.M.

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The aim of the work is organization of long-term ecological monitoring of modern composition of the atmosphere in the area of active ore mining in the conditions of Far North.
Hydrogen is one of the most interesting gases found in rocks. Unfortunately, hydrogen is one of the most volatile gases, and therefore, when estimating of gas emission is made by traditional methods, there is the possibility that we measure some residual flux.
We developed a specialized equipment based on MDM hydrogen sensors and WSN telecommunication
technology for long-time monitoring of hydrogen content in the atmosphere. Unlike existing methods, the developed equipment allows to carry out measurements directly in the zone of blasting operations with high discreteness in time.
The first technical and methodical solution was tested in condition of Arctic region – the Khibiny and Lovozero massifs (Kola Peninsula).

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Dynamic analysis of 3D seismic data of the Hovsan oilfield for identification of the potentially hydrocarbon bearing zones.
Akhmedov T.R.

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Brief geological-geophysical characteristics of the Hovsan oilfield and Absheron oil-and-gas area are presented in the paper. The heterogeneity of the reservoirs was observed during as the results of the qualitative and quantitative dynamic analysis of seismic data. The methodology of net-pay thickness prediction maps in the perspective areas is described, as well as, the correlation analysis of total and effective (net-pay) thicknesses, porosity, in the exploratory and production well, with different seismic parameters. The attribute analysis of seismic data was conducted in the Paradigm and Integral software. The primary focus is on the amplitude characteristics: instantaneous, average, minimal amplitudes, as well as the energy of reflection, which were measured in different windows, varying with the thickness of formations. The main three reservoir units were considered during this study: KaS-1, KaS-2, and KaS-3. The net-pay thickness prediction maps for aforementioned units were constructed using the relative impedance and amplitude data. The shale zones in the Miocene seismic units were identified based on the seismic data. On the perspective area the inversion of seismic data was performed using the «Azeri» software, developed with author’s participation. Based on the results, lower Pliocene and Miocene stratigraphical units were identified as the most perspective areas.

Estimation of opportunities for combined schemes of observation in near-surface seismic examination.
Moldakov V.V., Romanov V.V.

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In the article methods and schemes of near-surface seismic prospecting are considered that would allow to reduce the production time, both field and preliminary cameral works. Schemes of well-known publications have been tested and analyzed and authorial variants of combining observation schemes have been proposed. Their positive and negative aspects and possibilities of practical realization are presented.

In what methods of solving extremal problems needs interpretation theory of gravity anomalies?
Balk P.I.

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Assigned detailed analysis oft he classical optimization methods possibilities in solving gravity ore type inverse problems. Established that these methods do not provide the requirements oft the modern interpretation technology of gravity anomalies. One of the serious problems that arise when using known solution methods of extremal conditional problems, it is the formalization of a priori restrictions in inequations. Substantiated that the modern interpretation technologies is most effective use fitting methods to minimize difference in conjunction with grid models of field sources.

Modern Geomagnetic Technologies of Interpretation for Seth Guyot Investigation (Marcus-Mecker Seamounts, the Pacific).
Dolgal A.S., Ivanenko A.N., Novikova P.N., Rashidov V.A.

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Using modern interpretive geomagnetic techniques, the authors obtained new data on Seth Guyot, which is located in the west of Marcus-Necker mountains and is a part of the Western Pacific sea mount province. The guyot is rising from the depth of 5750 to 5700 m with its lateral dimensions of 53×55 km. Its 6×9 km flat top is located at a depth of 1100 m. The dredge samples contained organic limestones, olivine basalts, and ferromanganese nodules and crusts.
Data from shipboard magnetometer survey collected during the 1982 V/R Vulkanolog voyage were updated with data from the GEODAS database. Palaeomagnetic characteristics for guyot Set were determined.
In order to study the guyot deep structure, we converted the anomalous magnetic field using interpretive tomography, used mixed magnetic inversion based on finite-element approach, and created 3D interpolative model. The investigation revealed feeding channels that can relate to the multi-funnel structure of the edifice. The authors estimated the petromagnetic parameters of rocks that compose the guyot system in-situ.


Investigation of relief dynamics at the North-Western part of Anapa bay bar by aerial laser scanning.
Kravtsova V.I., Krylenko V.V., Drugov M.N., Boyko E.S.

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Anapa bay bar, which is a valuable healthy-recreational recourse, feels strong anthropogenic press and needs in monitoring for realization of its preserve and defense. Aerial laser scanning together with digital aerial survey was carry out in 2013 and 2015 for study of dune relief changes. Created different digital model of relief (DMR) and its field validation have allowed to investigate relief changes caused by natural processes: rolling sea and wind activity, which are concentrate at beach – dune belt boundary. Here there are hollow outer deflation of windward slope of front dune ridge, and accumulation of sand trains at leeward slope. But the strongest anthropogenic changes take place at regions of intensive beach recreation, at territories, preparing for buildings construction, and also during construction of artificial defense ridge at place of disappeared natural dune ridge. Investigated regularities of dune relief changes must be take in account for bay bar preserve and defense.