Geoinformation supplying of transboundary cooperation in the Baikal region as exemlified from assessment of hazardous geomorphological processes.

№1 (2020)

S.B. Kuzmin, D.A. Lopatkin

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The Baikal Region includes the subjects of the Russian Federation in southern Siberia, certain areas of the Republic of Mongolia within the boundaries of the Lake Baikal Basin and for 500 km bordering with territory of the People’s Republic of China so it is a transboundary territory. Large-scale active modern geomorphological geodynamic processes that form the main morphological image of the territory have been widely developed in the Baikal Region,. During its economic development, these processes actively affect the production infrastructure and the person, creating specific threats and causing the risk of environmental management, for the reduction of which it is necessary to carry out both special preventive protective measures and costly rehabilitation works. In this regard, the geoecological zoning and the difference in the target orientation become more topical. In this case, zoning acts as a basis for searching for the optimal mode of functioning of natural and man-made systems, to reduce the risk of causing irreversible negative changes in them. One of the types of geoecological zoning is our proposed approach to creating maps of ecological-geomorphological zoning, where areas with different levels of development and composition of hazardous geomorphological processes, with different economic specializations are distinguished. The assessment of hazardous geomorphological processes of the Baikal Region was carried out on the basis of the author’s method of ecological-geomorphological zoning. The zoning is based on: 1) regularities of the spatial distribution of geomorphological processes that have a negative impact on the economy and the social sphere; 2) the territorial organization of the economy, the system of regional, inter- and intrastate territorial production relations; 3) prospects for the socio-economic development of the regions, as well as hazardous geomorphological processes, which as a result of this can be activated or re-emerge. Conducted research is aimed at improving the state system of dealing with natural and man-made emergencies, optimizing intrastate contacts in the field of modernization and developing new methods for preventing and predicting natural disasters and catastrophes.

Sergey B. Kuzmin, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Geomorphology Institute of Geography mem. V.B. Sotchava SB RAS, 664033, Irkutsk, Ulanbatorskaya Str., 1. E-mail:

Dmitrii A. Lopatkin, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory for Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote Methods Institute of Geography mem. V.B. Sotchava SB RAS. E-mail:

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Section: Geoecology

Keywords: hazardous geomorphological processes; natural disasters; emergencies; ecological-geomorphological zoning; safety of the population and the economy; transboundary territory; Baikal Region.