Review and Analysis of XAI Methods for Addressing Geoecological Zoning and Public Health Prevention Challenges

№4 (2024) Trofimov Yu.V., Averkin A.N., Cheremisina E.N. УДК 0048 Key words: sustainable development; explainable artificial intelligence (XAI); ecological zoning; geographic information systems (GIS); neuro-fuzzy models; disease prevention; environmental risks; decision support systems; healthcare Section: Artifical intelligence in applied … Continue reading

An overview of Russian geographic information services on environmental issues based on open source software

№4 (2024) Plotnikova A.S., Khamedov V.A., Arkhiptseva E.A., Podolskaia E.S., Narykova A.N., Alekseev A.B. УДК 551.4.08, 550.83.016, 550.343.4 Key words: geoservice; interactive maps; open source software; Leaflet; OpenLayers; OpenStreetMap; Mapbox; Google Earth Engine; API Yandex.Map; the system of state environmental … Continue reading

Digital technologies of the future — modern solutions in Earth sciences

№3 (2024) Naumova V.V., Patuk M.I., Eremenko A.S., Zagumennov A.A., Eremenko V.S. УДК 004.85 Key words: Earth sciences; artificial intelligence; quantum technologies; big data; wireless communication technologies; distributed ledger systems Section: Information systems in geology and geophysics

Digitalization in geological exploration: a review and analysis of the current state

№4 (2021) УДК 553.98+004.9 E.N. Cheremisina, T.V. Kostyleva, A.V. Muradyan Key words: digital technologies; digitalization; geological exploration for oil and gas; geoinformation systems; geological information; new technologies; end-to-end technologies; import substitution. Section: Geoinformation systems