№1 (2021)

DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-1

   Geoinformation systems

The nearest prospects of the geoinformation complex INTEGRO development 
Ye.N. CheremisinaM.Ya. Finkelstein, K.V. Deyev, A.V. Muradyan

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The article describes the main directions of development of the INTEGRA geoinformation complex, as well as geological, geophysical and information problems, for the solution of which the corresponding software modules were created. The problems of organizing a multi-user mode, designing software for building a 3D model of the territory, developing a block for storing and processing well information, and some others are discussed. The article also outlines the ways of further development of the software package.

   Application of GIS technologies

Operational evaluation of the risk of development of waterflowing for making information in the unified state real estate register using GIS technologies (on the example of the Ob-Tomsk interfluve)
K.I. Kuzevanov, E.Yu. PasechnikL.N. Chilinger

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The article analyzes the existing procedure for entering information on the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories in the Unified State Register of Real Estate using the example of flooding zones. The basic regulatory documents governing the procedure and procedure for establishing flood zones are identified, in which gaps are identified in the requirements for the content of the work to determine the boundaries of such zones and assess their accuracy. In this connection, it is proposed to use the algorithm developed by the authors to determine the boundaries of the zones of underflooding development based on the analysis of the hydrographic network and digital terrain model using GIS technologies. This methodology is aimed at an operational assessment of the conditions of built-up and built-up territories, which allows to reduce the financial costs of conducting expensive engineering surveys, the need of which remains to clarify the results of computer mapping in the most critical areas. The norms of accuracy of determining the boundaries of flood zones are proposed, which will correspond to the accuracy of determining the boundaries of the lands of the water fund. In order to test the developed algorithm, we chose the territory of the Ob-Tomsk interfluve, for which zoning was carried out according to the depth of groundwater and the territories of moderate and severe flooding were identified for the purpose of further more detailed study.

Mechanism of neural network training for forecasting the meteorological situation when using GIS 
M.R. Vagizov, E.P. Istomin, O.N. Kolbina, A.S. Kochnev, V.L. Mikheev,
N.V. Yagotintseva

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This article is devoted to the mechanisms of neural network training for forecasting the meteorological situation when using GIS. The structural scheme of the GIS under consideration is proposed as a project solution and the main elements allowing to implement neural networks and their training are defined. The stochastic method is chosen as a tool for neural network training as it suggests the most probable outcome of the event based on the previous sample. The article gives an example of testing neural network training as an application program «Data Processor». The results described in the article allow us to judge about the applicability of the selected neural network training method for forecasting meteorological conditions and using data in geoinformation decision-making systems.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Precise positioning is known as a loxodrome on a trajectory on navigation measurements with intense noise 
S.V. Sokolov, I.N. Rosenberg, A.A. Bayandurova, N.A. Duhina

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The article proposes a method of improving the accuracy of determining the current coordinates of a moving object moving along a loxodromic trajectory by analytical three-dimensional projection of its coordinates determined by navigation measurements in conditions of intense interference on the trajectory of its true motion. The results of testing the efficiency of the proposed method, which was carried out by numerical simulation of the algorithms described in the work of determining the coordinates of the object on the loxodromic trajectory on noisy navigation measurements. The results indicates the possibility of effective use of the proposed approach.

Estimation of fractal dimension of rock samples fracture surface 
S.A. Imashev, M.E. Cheshev

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An approach to estimate fractal dimension of a microphotograph of rock sample fracture surface using the Differential Box Counting (DBC) method is presented. The difference between this algorithm and the classical method for fractal dimension calculation is in that the grayscale levels of pixels of analyzed image are taken into account. This approach does not require initial binarization of the image, which is poorly applicable for estimation of fractal dimension of real objects, such as microphotographs of rock sample surface, which in turn does not lead to the loss of useful information. Testing the method on a set of images generated with different content of pixels of gray levels showed that there is a steady increase in fractal dimension values ​​with increase in the number of added pixels. It is shown that fractal dimension for a set of images simulating crack propagation also demonstrates growth with increasing of fracturing. From a geometric point of view, this feature is a consequence of increase of roughness of the surface, which is a set of rectangles, the height of which corresponds to gray level of pixels of analyzed image. This approach can be used to quantify changes in sample surface structure before and after load action, as well as in real time using high-speed photography of the sample surface or radioscopy of internal cracks.

Possibilities of trend analysis in the preprocessing of geophysical fields on a model example 
K.M. Ermokhin

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A model example shows the negative consequences of the trend analysis for the solution of the problem of interpretation of geophysical data. As an alternative, an analytical downward continuation of the measurement data from the earth’s surface is proposed.

An approach to creating application software for modeling of the deep heat processes (on the example of modeling non-stationary thermal conductivity above a mantle plume in the VLADI GEAD 4.0 MODULE) 
V.I. Vasiliev, E.V. Vasilieva, N.S. Zhatnuev

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The work substantiates the necessity and considers the methodology of own (by the researcher-modeler’s own effort) development of special applied software as a tool for modeling geological processes. The concept of a mantle plume as a system of mantle-crustal migrants, sequentially rising from the core to the fragile earth’s crust through a solid plastic mantle medium by the magma- and/or fluid fracture, is presented. A tool for computer modeling of thermal disturbance above a mantle plume in the process of its vertical development with the ability to save, process and interpret the obtained numerical and graphic information is proposed. Dependences are obtained between the depths of vertical propagation of the plume, geometric and temperature intervals of relaxation of thermal disturbance in the host medium, and geodynamic parameters. A method for assessing the thermal expansion of a medium based on the values of internal iterative variables during program execution is proposed.