Database of seismogenic sources of southern East Siberia based on the GIS «ActiveTectonics».
Gladkov A.A., Lunina O.V.
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This work is dedicated to the creation the interactive database of seismogenic source of southern East Siberia, which is part of developed by the authors geoinformation system named «Active Tectonics». Based on foreign and domestic developments methodical approach to the allocation and mapping seismogenic sources that can trigger an earthquake with a magnitude more than 5,5. Used infological data model was developed based on the analysis of the known world databases and includes a set of geometric, kinematic and seismological parameters to describe the seismogenic sources.
With the use of this approach has been developed module of geoinformation system «ActiveTectonics», allowing users to work with the database of the seismogenic sources interactively, and also receive detailed HTML-reports on objects that contain parametric information, text comments of experts and associated with the object illustrations and publications.
Based on the GIS «ActiveTectonics» and analysis of literary, cartographic and seismological materials for the area south of Eastern Siberia allocated 38 seismogenic sources, whose length is from 46 to 329 km, with the maximum of seismic potential most of them, the corresponding magnitudes 6,5-7,9 scatter values for a total of 6 to 8.
Using the developed software module is designed and analyzed the database of the seismogenic sources of the south of Eastern Siberia within the coordinates 50-57° north latitude and 100-120° east longitude.
Geoinformation models in the design of materials management systems.
Belyakov S.L., Belyakova M.L., Savelyeva M.N.
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We study the problem of geoinformation modeling of situations and decisions made at the materials management. Material flows arise as a result of the project execution of delivery of goods and products. We consider the problem of constructing geoinformation model that displays the experience in performance similar projects. The criterion of the model is the accuracy of the generated solutions. The solution is considered authentic if it reflects the reality on the map. The authors propose a method of displaying the previously completed projects in a given space-time domain. The method is based on imaginative representation of geoinformation models. The GIS model of the material flow project is included diagram consisting of logistics centers, transportation routes and timetables. This article describes the procedure for display the image of the project which consists of metatransforming the image center and its transformations. The authors propose to the metric of confidence estimation of transformation result. The metric is a weighted sum of the transformation of each image element. The metatransformation parameter is a change in dimension of cartographic element. We have given an example of metatransformation of the previously completed project and the assessment of its accuracy. We analyze the features of metatransformation algorithms. The authors concluded that the need for a combination of different complexity of objects displaying algorithms and control the correctness of cartographic result display.
Using GIS-technologies in the study of anthropogenic factors impact on natural environment condition in the area of Shagonar pool of Sayano-Shushensk reservoir.
Ayunova O.D., Kalnaya O.I.
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The paper discusses the use of geoinformation systems during the impact study on the environmental components of the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir within Tuva. Object under study is lake-like expansion or Shagonar pool the feature of is periodic existence as a reservoir. The results of field observations and study of library materials inspired the creation of a geoinformation system. Integration issues and data structuring are resolved, created a series of interconnected maps solving the problem of visualization and cartographic modeling of natural and anthropogenic impacts due to GIS. Geoinformation database of indicators of ecological condition of Shagonar pool aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are created. The cartographic analysis features of hydrochemical and bacteriological conditions and factors of water pollution, pollution nature and sources of reservoir benthal deposits with heavy metals are analyzed, modern exogenous-geological processes are indicated and mapped. Zoning of Shagonar pool area is carried out for the first time by conditions and extent of anthropogenic influence based on the spatial analysis of the multi-componental impact specificity of reservoir operation.
Using GIS technology and geostatistics for agro-zones of ancient agricultural areas differentiation.
Buryak Zh.A., Lisetskii F.N., Marinina O.A.
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The article presents the experience of using geostatistical methods for reconstruction of agro-zones near the borders of ancient Kerkinitis (VI century BC –II century BC) according to the geochemical soil analysis. In GIS application ArcGIS 10.1 cluster analysis of soil objects (n = 122) was made for six geochemical indicators and organic carbon content and integral indicator of soil properties was calculated. Received two spatially clustered arrays of points, which differ significantly on set of soil properties that reflect the duration of the agricultural load. As a result of geostatistical analysis a pronounced spatial data autocorrelation trends and field uniformity were detected. By probability kriging border of the transition zone between the different age arable land was substantiated, as well as «anomalies» areas were installed, that may be of interest for future archaeological research.
Forming of spatial and attributive data for objects of mining technical systems.
Burmin L.N., Stepanov Y.A.
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Describes a set of steps to improve the quality of information process control for objects of mining systems. It is proposed variant of implementation of each stage, described implementation means and possible ways of development.
Apriori information on noise of measuring in finite element fitting technologies interpretation of gravity anomalies.
Balk P.I., Dolgal A.S., Balk T.V., Khristenko L.A.
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The article discusses the history, current state and prospects of fitting method development for inverse gravity problem. The progress possibility of fitting algorithms subject to the presence of various noise types in the interpreted gravitational field values is researched. We consider six different functional, used to assess the precision of the original and model fields. In the role of the residual stand the average squared difference, the average sum of absolute value difference, the maximum deviation. When comparing fields are also used by the changing in the iterative process weights and pre logarithm parameters. For multiplicative noise suppression minimizes the maximum deviation of the field amplitudes in all measurement points. By example gravity anomalies caused by 2D polygonal prism, a comparison algorithm controlled directional solidification and A.V. Ovcharenko method is realized. Obtained results allowed to use the latter to conduct computational experiments. It was found that the use of different functional types of local optimization in fitting technologies is quite acceptable. This allows to create a new composition of algorithms, expanding the set of feasible solutions of inverse problem for one and the same initial approximation, it is necessary for the implementation of additive technologies quantitative interpretation of gravity data.
Ecosystems of modern Huanghe River delta at various stages of its forming: investigation by satellite images.
Kravtsova V.I., Chalova E.R.
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The Huanghe River – one of the biggest rivers of the world – has very large sediments discharge, and, in accordance, changeable delta. Delta dynamics in past is well investigated. Modern state of this delta is well reflected at the map of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems, compiled by satellite images and presented in this paper. Comparison of this map with delta boundaries at various periods of its development after channel turn to Bohai Sea in 1855 allows to investigate land use at different age parts of delta – traditional agricultural, possible after 50 years of surface formation as land, and modern types of aquaculture and hydro culture, and oil extraction, which has conflict with agricultural and aqua cultural environmental management. Experience of this investigation will help to analogical problems solution in river deltas in Russia.