№4 (2018)

   Geoinformation systems

South Asian megastructure according to the data of GIS-ENDDB.
Mikheeva A.V.

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The geographical information system for studying the Earth’s natural disasters (GIS-ENDDB) is focused on the research into the catastrophic events affecting the regional geodynamics of the Earth. Information base of the system contains data on geotectonics, seismic activity of the Earth, heat flows, detailed relief, and anomalies of the gravitational field as well as on the distribution of cosmogenic and volcanogenic structures. To study deep seismogenic structures the deep seismic tomography data and procedures for visualization of these data on the maps and its sections are included into GIS-ENDDB. According to the tomography data, it is revealed that the most typical structural elements at the depths of the upper mantle (reaching depths of up to 400-700 km) is the deep «canals», sometimes coinciding with the channel-like structures of seismicity – «seismic nails». The regular spatial distribution of channels along the perimeter of the W-shaped South Asian structure, other signs of the bilateral symmetry allow one to assume its single geodynamic nature.

GIS “Alas of the Megino-Kangalassky region (ulus)”.
Torgovkin Y.I., Shestakova A.A.

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A GIS project was created in ArcGIS format. Spatial geographical analysis using GIS-technologies was carried out. The results of the spatial analysis are reflected in the form of a map of the zoning of the alas. The quantitative characteristic of alas is given. It was revealed that the alas are 7,04 percent of the total area of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. When analyzing the distribution of alas by heritage, it turned out that they are most common in the Dogdoginsky heritage (48,5 percent of the total territory). Less than all, about 1 percent, alas are found in the Chyamayykinsky heritage. A map of the distribution of bulgunnyakhs on the territory of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus was compiled. It is characteristic that most often bulgunnyakhs are found in the central and northern parts of the ulus.

   Application of GIS technologies

Algorithm for the identification of time evolutions of spatially distributed objects based on Barcodes.
Eremeev S.V., Andrianov D.E., Kovalev Yu.A.

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The article develops an algorithm that builds spatial objects based on Barcode. The algorithm for finding differences among time-varying spatial objects, based on Barcode, allows us to establish a topological connection between points, since it depends on the parameters. Unlike geometric, topological characteristics do not depend on the location of objects. The basis of the algorithm is the methods of computer topology, consisting of the Cech complex. As a result of the implementation of the algorithm, Barcodes of spatial objects and constructed objects are given on the basis of this algorithm. Also, graphs of Barcode data are plotted on which their differences are reflected at different time intervals. The work was tested in the GIS INGEO environment. The developed algorithm will allow to address to the same objects at their change in different time intervals, and also at the reference to them on different scales.


Structure and functions of the petromagnetic “RSEARCH” database of the Yakut kimberlite province.
Konstantinov К.М., Zabelin A.V., Zaitsevskiy F.K., Konstantinov I.K., Kirguev A.A., Khoroshikh M.S.

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Information on structure and functions of the first-ever petrophysical block of the database “RSEARCH”, “Litoteka” with the software package of “PetroStat” for a statistical analysis of geoinformation on the Yakut kimberlite province is provided in article. The block includes sections: petrophysics, magnetic mineralogy, paleomagnetik and physical fur. The “RSEARCH” database and the software package of “PetroStat” allow to choose quickly geological objects and to receive on them average scalar and vector characteristics of physical properties for the purpose of upgrading of interpretation of geologic-geophysical data at the forecast and searching of radical diamond fields (kimberlite tubes, fields), thermomagnetic dating of mute geological processes, geodynamic reconstruction etc. The “Litoteka”» block establishes the last location of archival exemplars.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Three-dimensional modeling of the structure of the fractured-pore space in the granitoid massif of the molybdenum-uranium Antei deposit (SE Transbaikalia).
Minaev V.A., Nafigin I.O., Petrov V.A., Poluektov V.V.

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The results of complex structural-petrophysical studies of host granitoids from deep horizons of the largest in Russia molybdenum-uranium Antei deposit (Streltsovskoe ore field, SE Transbaikalia) are considered. The study of elastic parameters (velocities of longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic waves) of oriented samples in dry and water saturated states helps to understand the structure of the fractured pore space of the rock, to make assumptions about the mechanism of migration of ore-bearing solutions and the dynamics of mineral formation in the ore deposition zone. This information, supported by full-scale and statistical study of macro-fracture, is necessary for searching for hidden ore bodies in order to determine the prospects of the deposit.
It is established that the general orientations of macrocrack systems as a whole coincide with the directions of the maximum increase in the horizontal plane of ultrasonic wave velocities after saturation with water. Along with this, a pronounced directivity of the ultrasonic wave velocities for the samples taken from the vein-like bodies of feldspar granites and albitites developed in the granitoid massif was revealed. Results using GIS technologies are visualized in the form of three-dimensional models of geological space.


Modern monitoring methods of ecological condition of the territory (for example of data on identification of waste storage objects).
Arkhipova O.E., Magaeva A.A.

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The article gives a description of the main methods of studying the ecological state of the territories of the Rostov Region using the example of data on the location of waste storage facilities.
Methods of using space monitoring data based on visual and semi-automatic interpretation of objects are presented. Methods of contactless monitoring are supposed to be combined with field research data, surveys of territories subject to emergence of spontaneous landfills, from unmanned aerial vehicles, and also using crowdsourcing methods, based on data provided by the web application by the active users of the network.

Operative regional prediction activity of landslide process on the example of Sochi polygon.
Vozhik A.A., Shamurzaeva D.A.

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This paper presents a methodology operative regional prediction of landslide process, based on landslide hazard zonation of the study area and monitoring rainfall-trigger including an intensity-duration rainfall threshold with satellite rainfall data. As the main meteorological factors of activation or stabilization of landslide, the intensity of rainfall and air temperature are used.