Large-scale geomorphological mapping of the Malaya Sosva state nature reserve

№2 (2021)

УДК 528:551.4
DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-2-59-66 

A.E. Pshenichnikov, K.N. Dektyarev

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The Malaya Sosva State Nature Reserve is situated in the west of the Khanty-Mansiysk Au-tonomous Region — Ugra. Lake-alluvial, lake-glacial and moraine plains are the prevalent relief’s types on that territory. The main specificity of the reserve’s relief in the central and southern parts is a chain of hilly watersheds — the Malososvinsky Amphitheater. The central, western, and southern parts of the reserve are distinguished by the greatest depth of dissection, while in the northern and south-western regions, a finely divided relief prevails. To study natural conditions and resources of the reserve, a complex mapping was carried out. Based on the results of field researches organized in the summer of 2017, as well as on the data obtained during the processing of topographic maps of scale 1: 100 000, a Sentinel-2A satellite image, digital terrain models ASTER GDEM, ALOS World 3D and ArcticDEM, the following large-scale maps were constructed for the area under study: hypsometric, the range of dissection and horizontal dissection of the relief, steepness of slopes, as well as a map of «red relief» (Red Relief Image Map). According to those local maps and taking into consideration all the previously issued maps of a smaller scale, a general geomorphological map of the territory of a scale of 1: 100 000 has been created.

Artem E. PshenichnikovCandidate of Geography Sciences, Assistant professor at the Cartography and Geoinformation Systems Department of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Tyumen State University, 6, Volodarskogo str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia, e-mail:

Konstantin N. Dektjarev Environmental Engineer, LLC «Tyumen’PromIzyskanija», 65/3, Holodil’naja str., Tyumen, 625002, Russia, e-mail:

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Key words: geomorphological mapping, digital elevation model, Malaya Sosva.

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes