Rules for authors

Our journal publishes scientific articles on geology, geoinformatics, nature use and geo-ecology.

  1. An article for publication can be sent by email with a scan of expertise letter (if submitted by an organization). Send articles to:
  2. An article should be submitted as Microsoft Word file. If an article contains pictures and tables they should be inserted in article body with a number and caption for picture/table. Besides, pictures with captions should be submitted as well as a separate file in CDR, EPS or TIF formats. Signatures to drawings and table names should be sent in Russian and English languages as a separate file. If the drawing consists of several parts, then number these parts by numbers (1, 2, 3 …) or English letters (a, b, c …).
  3. We do not limit article size, but editors have a right to discard an article, divide it into several parts and publish in different issues, or to send it back with a suggestion to improve text quality. Editors have a right to make editorial corrections in an article.
  4. Article links or list of sources used in an article should be provided according to ГОСТ Р 7.05-2008 standard «Bibliography link. General rules of article formatting». List of references should include only published works. References are provided in Russian and English languages.
  5. Units of measurements mentioned in article should be in accordance with International system of units.
  6. Mathematical, chemical and other formulas should be written according to formula writing rules (variable values in italic, all superscripts and subscripts should be clear etc.) in Microsoft Equation or MathType editor. (Don’t use in-built formula editor in Microsoft Word 2007-2010.)
  7. Article should be completed with reference data on all authors in Russian and English (full name (first name, patronymic, and last name, place of work, position, academic degree, office/home and mobile phone numbers, e-mail; we highly recommend to provide ORCID ID and SCOPUS ID)
  8. Article should bear UDC (Universal Decimal Classification), annotation in 150-200 words in Russian and English (including authors’ name and article name), keywords list (3-7) in Russian and English.

To authors:

Publication in our journal is free for all authors including aspirants.

Manuscripts that do not meet the rules will not be considered.

Articles meeting the journal’s profile will be accepted for publishing after expert reviewing and editorial board approval.

Articles can be sent to: