On the determination of sources and internal structure of the Earth’s magnetic field based on analytical continetion by continued frations.

№3 (2020)

УДК 550.838
DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-3-20-28

Ermokhin K.M., Soldatov V.A.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
A method is proposed for determining the real sources of the Earth’s internal magnetic field based on the conversion of the coefficients of the stationary earth field according to the IGRF model using the mathematical apparatus for transforming a power series into a continued fraction.

Ermokhin Konstantin Mikhailovich, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,Leading Scientific al., St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Propagation N.V. Pushkova RAS (IZMIRAN). MendeleevLine-3, St. Petersburg, 194354, Russia. E-mail: k_m_e@list.ru.

Soldatov Vadim Alekseevich, scientific team, St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Propagation N.V. Pushkova RAS (IZMIRAN). Mendeleev Line-3, St. Petersburg, 194354, Russia. E-mail: k_m_e@list.ru.

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Keywords: IGRF model, analytical continuation, continued fractions, spherical analysis, regional anomalies.

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes