Algorithm for developing and implementing online educational programs using the example of open video lessons of the GIS INTEGRO course.

№3 (2020)

УДК 004.5:378.146

Shamaeva E.F., Bryukhova E.M., Lyubimova A.V.,Tolmacheva E.R.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences

This article focuses on how to develop educational courses. As anexample illustrating the proposed approach, an algorithm for implementing the applied on-line course «Fundamentals of Using GIS Technologies» is proposed,which can be included in the educational program of any university whose activities are related to Earth sciences, as well as used in advanced training programs for specialists. As a tool for preparing the course, open video lessons on GIS INTEGRO published on the developer’s website are used. The article discloses the content of training materials, considers the main aspects of organizing the educational process: planning the educational schedule,overseeing and informational support of participants in the course of training,verification of knowledge, gaming techniques, as well as a set of necessary technical programs. The methods described in the article could help not only todevelop the course, but also to launch an educational program on it.

Shamaeva Ekaterina Fedorovna, PhD, associate professor of the department of geographic information systems and technologies of the State University of Dubna, 19 Universitetskaya street, Dubna, 141982, Moscow Region, Russia. E-mail:

Bryukhova Elena Mikhailovna, senior project designer in the Department of Organizational Development, ROSATOM. 24 Bolshaya Ordynka St., Moscow, 119017, Russia. E-mail:

Lyubimova Anna Vladimirovna, PhD, Head of GIS and Digital Cartography Department, Division of Geoinformatics, VNIGNI, 8 Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia; Head of Department of Geoinformation Systems and Techologies, Dubna State University,19 Universitetskaya St., Dubna, 141982, Moscow Region, Russia. E-mail:

Tolmacheva Elena Romanovna, Head of GIS-support Sector, Division of Geoinformatics, VNIGNI, 8 Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia. E-mail:

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Keywords: geoinformation technologies, video-lessons of GISINTEGRO, efficiency of mass open educational courses (MOOC), architecture of online courses, ecosystem of MOOC.

Section: Geoinformation systems