№3 (2020)

DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-3

   Application of GIS technologies

Web-GIS technologies usage in eco monitoring tasks on example Murmansk region lakes pollution
Shemyakin A.S.,Kashulin N.A.,Petrova O.V.

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When carrying out long-term environmental monitoring programs, a whole series of problems arise related to storage, processing, visualization of data obtained, their presentation in a form suitable for making managerial decisions and / or public perception. The received volume of primary information requires structured storage, a special multivariate analysis to identify long-term trends and assess dangers of possible negative phenomena, a different level of accessibility and generalization of results for various information consumers.At the same time, copyrights of the information owners must be respected. As a solution to these problems, it is proposed to use GIS-oriented information systems for storing and processing the accumulated information.

The paper considers the main aspects of creating a GIS portal for publishing results of hydrochemical studies of water objects in the Murmansk region. A review of existing developments and approaches to solving this problem is given. A technique for creating a GIS portal based on open source software is proposed.Issue of implementing copyright protection mechanisms for owners of hydrochemical information considered partially.Currently, a pilot version of the GIS portal has been developed, which stores the web version ofthe map «Hydrochemical characteristics of the lakes of the Murmansk region». Inthe future, it is planned to supplement the resource with the blocks«Hydrology», «Bottom sediments of Murmansk region lakes», «Hydrobionts of Murmansk region lakes» and visualization tools for primary data. This work is carried out as part of a project to increase availability of environmental information for both the public and decision-makers. The project may also be of interest to scientific organizations.

   Geoinformation systems

Algorithm for developing and implementing online educational programs using the example of open video lessons of the  GIS INTEGRO course.
Shamaeva E.F., Bryukhova E.M., Lyubimova A.V.,Tolmacheva E.R.

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This article focuses on how to develop educational courses. As anexample illustrating the proposed approach, an algorithm for implementing the applied on-line course «Fundamentals of Using GIS Technologies» is proposed,which can be included in the educational program of any university whose activities are related to Earth sciences, as well as used in advanced training programs for specialists. As a tool for preparing the course, open video lessons on GIS INTEGRO published on the developer’s website are used. The article discloses the content of training materials, considers the main aspects of organizing the educational process: planning the educational schedule,overseeing and informational support of participants in the course of training,verification of knowledge, gaming techniques, as well as a set of necessary technical programs. The methods described in the article could help not only todevelop the course, but also to launch an educational program on it.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

On the determination of sources and internal structure of the Earth’s magnetic field based on analytical continetion by continued frations.
Ermokhin K.M., Soldatov V.A.

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A method is proposed for determining the real sources of the Earth’s internal magnetic field based on the conversion of the coefficients of the stationary earth field according to the IGRF model using the mathematical apparatus for transforming a power series into a continued fraction.

Estimation of quality indicators of mineral resources using geoinformation technologies of block modeling.
Kantemirov V.D., Yakovlev A.M., Titov R.S.

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The article presents the results of developing a methodology for evaluating the quality indicators of minerals based on block modeling technologies using modern miningand geological information systems (GGIS). A flowchart for modeling quality indicators of mineral resources is proposed and the results of its use are shown on the example of the Serov complex ore and coal deposits of the Odegeldey section. The presented method of block modeling allows us to zone technological types and grades of ores with high confidence in the quarry space, which contributes to solving the problems of design, planning and production management in the conditions of economic uncertainty, deteriorating mining and geological and mining and technological conditions for the development of deposits.

Methodological and technological aspects of exeption of the gravitational effect of the lower part of the earth’s crust in study of sedimentary cover of oil and gas-bearing areas.
Spiridonov V.A., Pimanova N.N.

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In the case of seismic density modeling of sedimentary basins, it is necessary to exclude fromthe observed gravitational field the effect created by inhomogeneities of the lower part of the crustal section. The article offers one of the approaches tothe geological field reduction, implemented through the construction of a 3D density model for the entire thickness of the earth’s crust and upper mantle. A fragment within the study area is selected from the constructed 3D model and its gravitational effect is calculated. Various options for implementing this approach are considered, depending on the amount of a priori information. The technological base of the method is GIS INTEGRO.


Spatial analysis of permafrost conditions distribution on the Federal highway P504 “Kolyma” (Yakutsky site).
Torgovkin Y.I., Shestakova A.A., Vasiliev N.F.

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The Yakutsky site of the Federal highway P504 «Kolyma» with a length of 1197 km was investigated. A GIS project was created in ArcGIS format. A spatial geographical analysis of geocryological conditions (soil temperature, seasonal thawing depth, cryogenic processes) using GIS technology was carried out. 12 types of terrain have been identified by cutting out a scale of 1: 1 500 000 from the Permafrost-landscape map of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Spatial analysis results are reflected in the form of maps. Quantitative characteristics of permafrost conditions are given in the form of diagrams. It was revealed that the road was mainly laida long sections of low terraces (33,2% of the total area of 100 m of the zone)and the inter-alas type of terrain (10,3%), composed of high-ice deposits. In these areas, frost cracking is most often expressed in combination with other cryogenic processes (53,6%) and thermokarst (21,7%). The temperature of soils in the landscapes of the studied territory most of all varies from −2 to −4 °, the lowest temperatures (−9 °) are found in 3% of the territory in the mountain lichen tundra of the Verkhoyansk Range. The maximum depths of seasonal thawing (> 2,5 m) can be traced only 5% of the total territory. The prevailing value of seasonal thawing depth is from 1,5 to 2 m.

Large scale monitoring of technogenic objects displacements using radar interferometry technique.
Filatova V.M., Nazarov I.V., Filatov A.V.

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The given paper considers the use of satellite radar interferometry techniques for the detection of ground surface deformations and technogenic objects displacements over a wide area. The relevance of the work consists of the need for identification of high geodynamical risk areas as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors. The main results of the work are the system ofSentinel-1A/B radar data full interferometric processing, geo-informational service for the publication of the processing results and interactive displacements map of Kaliningrad region for 2017-2018. The central part of the realized system is the previously developed and registered software FInSAR for radar data processing using persistent scatterers method. An important element of the system is geoportal which provides a user with access to the results and contains instruments for geospatial analysis. The interactive map of the Kaliningrad region represents point measurements of average annual displacements rate of technogenic objects with a possibility to trace displacements history. The paper consists of an introduction, two main sections and conclusions. The introduction is devoted to the actuality and practical significance of the developed system. The second section describes the characteristics of Sentinel-1A/B source data, radar interferometry technique and the persistent scatterers approach. The third section describes the principal scheme of thesystem operation and the results of its use for technogenic objects displacements monitoring in the Kaliningrad region as an example. In the last section, the main conclusions are made and further direction of research and development in frame of the presented project is designated.

   To the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory

To the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Geology:in creation and wars (the end, beginning at No. 1 2020)
Kozlovsky E.A.

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In 2020, the whole world celebrates the greatest event – the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Union and coalition countries in the Great Patriotic War – a war in which millions of soldiers and innocent victims of a fascist adventure were killed. Historians (once again!) Will chronologically state the facts, explain the essence and meaning of this gigantic event. After all, World War II was notonly a battle between the fighting armies, but also a fierce struggle between the economies of the warring parties. Unfortunately, not only positive emotions accompany memories. There is a visible process of rewriting the history of theGreat War. One gets the impression that a united front is being created to denigrate and falsify the heroic past of our country, to review the results ofthe Great Patriotic War. Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the victory in theGreat Patriotic War, we must remember that geologists – prospectors of the subsoil did everything possible to ensure the development of the economy along the entire path of development of the State. It is necessary to know and use itat a new stage in the development of the country!