№2 (2016)

   Application of GIS technologies

The study of the landscape structure dynamics in the Urals Steppe oil producing territories based on GIS and satellite data.
Myachina K.V.

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The author’s approach to the analysis of the landscape structure dynamics of oil producing territories in the Urals steppe zone is presented at the article. The proposed approach is based on satellite images interpretation using GIS. The work relevance due to the fact that subsurface use, in particular oil, is one of the main reasons for transformation of steppe landscapes along with agricultural processes. It is shown the remote sensing data of medium spatial resolution can provide the basis for regular monitoring of oil steppe landscapes with the aim of timely detection of their transformation likelihood to the stage of irreversible changes.

Method of threshold filtering Canopy Height Models in the environment of GIS.
Rizaev I.G.,Pogorelov A.V.,Boyko E.S.

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In this paper we propose a new method of filtering Canopy Height Model (CHM) with accuracy control (threshold filter) based on the Gaussian filter in GIS. Standard methods of image filtering have a significant drawback – then the size of the moving window or number of iterations increased, along with the elimination of noise, there is the uncontrolled loss of accuracy. The solution to this problem must be sought in the filtering process, which allows control of the degree of smoothing, for example, using a threshold value. Selection of the threshold value depends on the required accuracy, scale and detail. In general, using the number of N iterations, it is possible to smooth the CHM within a preset threshold.

   Geoinformation systems

Gis mapping based on the relief’s plastic model and the possibility of its using in geomorphological analysis.
Kuzmin S.B.,Nevzorova I.V.,Cherkashin E.A.,Shamanova S.I.

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The paper proposes a geomorphic application of GIS-techniques on the basis of the combination of digital relief’s model and the method of relief’s plastics. The sequence procedure of such an approach, modernized techniques, technologies and software of geographic information computer technology are considered. This approach was tested on the basis of studies of the model polygon – Preolkhon region, located in the western Prebaikal area. The analysis of geo-information relief’s models was verifying on the built of mountain topography layers – structural, in origin of relief – genetic, as well as relict landforms. As a result, the regularities that could not be recovered by conventional field, remote sensing and laboratory research methods of relief and landforms.

   Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

The method of fuzzy inference and information security model results in Petroleum Geology.
Kobrunov A.I.,Dorogobed A.N.Kozhevnikova P.V.

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The paper advances the principles and methods for creating fuzzy adequate geological model fuzziness of input data for modeling. The analysis is based on the representation of the original data in the form of fuzzy variables and fuzzy petrophysical model as the relationship between these values. The theoretical basis and technology of system reliability ranked on physical and geological models of oil reservoir in the form of a geological model of fuzzy fuzziness adequate baseline data. The basis of the review of the design of fuzzy petrophysical model as an alternative to the traditional concept of the petrophysical model. Its difference lies in the fact that for each of the parameter values of the membership function is constructed that characterizes the relationship between these parameters and having a sense of confidence-building measures. Handling is carried out based on the method of fuzzy inference Mamdani, which provides building information model. Created apparatus constructed defuzzification fuzzy model based on alpha-sections, which displays the level of information security and compliance data available geological and geophysical data. As an example, consider one of the fields in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province, which is given to the sequence of α-sections of the geological model for the forecast parameter oil-bearing.

Prediction of prospective areas for gold-cupper-porphyry type of mineralization based on analysis of informative feature search and their functional and correlation relationships.
Ivanova J.N.Bochneva A.A.

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Our investigation is devoted to using algorithm, which was worked out by authors for prospecting perspective zones on gold-cupper-porphyry type of mineralization based on analysis of informative feature search and their functional and correlation relationships.
The purpose of the offered technique is increase of informational content and reduction of redundancy of geological data. The method is based on search of predicting function which will allow constructing further bifurcation diagrams and prediction maps on gold mineralization type. The risk zones and detection probability of gold mineralization type shows on the prediction map. The predicting function approximates dependence of the predicting value from features. The risk areas are the different levels of probability of detection the ore body (when the search area decreases, the risks will increase). The risk allow identifying probability localization of small ore bodies and ore bodies with complicated geological structure. As the result, detection probability of gold mineralization zones can be estimated at 30%.
Authors have made system of classification and expected and search features gold-cupper-porphyry type of mineralization, and also the schemes of risk zones of possible ore distribution in the territory of Malouralskaya Square (the Polar Urals) is constructed.

Use of detailed digi-tal relief models for the structural and lineament analysis (on example of the Urtuysky granite massif, SE Transbaikalia).
Ustinov S.A.,Petrov V.A.

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The possibility of use of digital relief models for lineament analysis realization is proved. Considered digital models have to meet certain requirements of detail which depends on the available actual material. The lineament analysis is offered to be carried out on the basis of two main models – TIN and GRID which differ in algorithms of construction and therefore supplement each other. The possibility of creation and use of auxiliary grid maps which allow revealing even insignificant linear elements of a relief is shown. The lineament analysis was carried out for the Urtuysky granite massif located in southeastern Transbaikalia. As a result the structural elements corresponding to reliable deep faults and also the lineaments marking the unknown earlier fault zones needing further authentication were revealed.


Mapping of unicom dune landscapes of the eastern part of Vityazevo bay bar using high resolution aerospace images.
Kravtsova V.I.,Chalova E.R.

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Vityzevo bay bar is the part of Anapa bay bar, extending for 47 km at the North-Eastern coast of Black Sea. The necessity of preserving of bay bar unicom dune landscapes under anthropogenic press requires of their monitoring at the base of detail mapping. The map of the eastern part of Vityazevo bay bar landscape-morphologic structure has been compiled by aero- and satellite images of high resolution and present in the paper. Discovered features of landscape-morphologic structure will help to investigate adaptive solutions for Anapa bay bar conservation and protection.