The article gives a description of the main methods of studying the ecological state of the territories of the Rostov Region using the example of data on the location of waste storage facilities.
Methods of using space monitoring data based on visual and semi-automatic interpretation of objects are presented. Methods of contactless monitoring are supposed to be combined with field research data, surveys of territories subject to emergence of spontaneous landfills, from unmanned aerial vehicles, and also using crowdsourcing methods, based on data provided by the web application by the active users of the network.
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Magaeva Anastasiia A., graduate student of the Oceanology Department, Southern federal university, Junior researcher, Department of Information technology & Mathematic Modelling, Southern Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. Chekhova av. 41, Rostov-on-Don, 344006. E-mail:
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Keywords: ecological condition, monitoring, illegal dumps, web-application.