Innovative seismic exploration. Features of the employment of cable-free telemetric system for seismic information collection based on the use of molecular-electronic seismic sensors.

№3 (2018)

Navrotsky A.O.,Akkuratov O.S.,Abdulvaliev M.T.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article deals with the content and features of the use of innovative technology of seismic exploration, which ensures the preservation of the dynamic range of recorded oscillations at the level of 120 dB during the passage of all the elements of the seismic channel. The new technology is oriented towards the use of domestic samples of geophysical equipment and instruments: a cable-free system SCOUT registering seismic oscillations and highly sensitive seismic sensors MTSS-1001 created on the basis of innovative molecular electronic technology and unparalleled anywhere in the world.

Navrotsky Alexandr Olegovich, Ph.D., head of division for methodic support of geological prospecting of Geoinformatics Department «VNIIGeosystem», FGBU «VNIGNI». 117105, Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 8. Email:

Akkuratov Oleg Sergeevich, Ph.D., leading research scientist of Geoinformatics Department «VNIIGeosystem» FGBU «VNIGNI». 117105, Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 8. Email:

Abdulvaliev Marat Talgatovich, Ph.D., director general of LLC «Sibgeotechservice». 111397, Russia, Moskva, Novogireevskaya, 29-1, E-mail:

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Section: Methodological and technological support for data collection and processing

Keywords: seismic survey, seismogram, geophone, cable-free telemetric seismic recording system, dynamic range, method, innovation.