№3 (2018)

   Information systems in geology and geophysics

Geophysical exploration for oil and gas: current status and problems of import substitution.
Varlamov A.I., Gogonenkov G.N.

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The paper briefly discusses the status of Russian hardware and software development for geophysical exploration. The analysis shows that in practically all the disciplines of the onshore geophysical works in Russia have the rather advanced in-house solutions. In recent years they found a certain commercial use in all geophysical operations. In terms of qualitative characteristics, Russian hardware and software products for seismic and other geophysical operations are only slightly inferior to the cutting-edge western developments. However, leading Russian oil and service companies prefer to purchase and use an expensive imported equipment even when a task can be solved using home-made software and hardware tools. In the current geopolitical situation and a sharp increase in sanctions pressure on Russia, there is a need for a substantial scaling up of domestic software and technology use and an expansion of innovative developments that are no inferior to the best imported analogues.

GIS INTEGRO – import substitution software for geological and geophysical tasks.
Cheremisina Ye.N., Finkelstein M.Ya., Lyubimova A.V.

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The article presents the Russian software package GIS INTEGRO, developed by the team of Geoinformatics department «VNIIGeosystem» of FSBI «VNIGNI». We consider the basic cartographic capabilities of GIS INTEGRO, providing the preparation of the geo-information base for research projects for geology and subsoil use at all the stages. The comparison with the wide-range GIS-packages used today in the geological industry
allows us to highlight the main advantage of our software: the multi-window interface with 1D/2D/3D visualization capability, X/Y/Z cursor position synchronization, direct use of the geophysical data formats, etc. The features of applied blocks of GIS INTEGRO are revealed in detail: tools for gravimetric and magnetometric data processing, tools for borehole database compilation, technology of predictive diagnostic task solving, and 3D geological models compilation tools.

Model of supervising support of geological (geophysical) exploration for oil and gas.
Akkuratov O.S., Navrotsky A.O., Kaplan S.A.

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The model of supervising support of geophysical exploration was created in order to provide Federal authorities with information on the progress and results of government contractual work.
Normative and methodical documents, quality evaluation system and software and hardware tools developed on the basis of this model were widely used by the Rosnedra in 2006 and 2015 for the support of geophysical exploration at the stages of project structure formation, field exploration support, received data processing, digital databases preparation and acceptance of working results by commissions of ordering customer.

   Methodological and technological support for data collection and processing

Methodological and technological support of the hydrocarbon resources assessment.
Zhukov K.A., Kravchenko M.N., Lyubimova A.V.

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The main aspects of methodological and technological support of the quantitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources of the Russian Federation are considered in the article. The statement of the problem of the oil-and-gas resources assessment in the conditions of the distributed approach to the organization of works is formulated. Then we present the main features of the analytical and geoinformation support, including database and possibilities of the GIS-application for the implementation of the project.
Keyword: hydrocarbon mineral resource base, oil and gas resources and reserves, geoinformation technologies.

Development of methodological and technical tools for seismic surveys support.
Iksanov A.Y., Kaplan S.A., Kozlov A.S., Lebedev E.B., Spivak Y.E.

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The article presents a review of development of methodological and technical support tools for seismic surveys supervising which provide increased efficiency of field data analysis and integrated quality control. Taking into account the growth of field data amounts due to spread layout compaction (multiplication of channels, employment of swath-line modification and, in prospect, of 3D surveys), the authors propose ways of support tools development. Two components, technical and interpretative, are introduced into the quality control (a quality estimate summarized by reflected signal line-ups and a forecast of ways of geological task solution).
Tools for quality control on the basis of initial seismic records quality and brute time sections analysis are presented.

Methodical and technological aspects of full wave modeling in the processing of seismic data.
Vedenyapin O.A., Kaplan S.A., Lebedev E.B., Rok V.E.

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The methodical and technological aspects of employment of full-wave 3D computer modeling in seismic studies at various stages of the geological exploration process are considered, i.e. from planning to the assessment of the correctness and quality of the results obtained at different stages. The authors analise possible ways of model construction in connection with the choice of the structure of geological medium models and with information provision for the specification of its characteristics. Approximation of real geological models in the form of individual sedimentary complexes and their target objects combined according to their level of mapping detail is proposed which provides the maximum computing performance for a given configuration of hardware.

Innovative seismic exploration. Features of the employment of cable-free telemetric system for seismic information collection based on the use of molecular-electronic seismic sensors.
Navrotsky A.O., Akkuratov O.S., Abdulvaliev M.T.

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The article deals with the content and features of the use of innovative technology of seismic exploration, which ensures the preservation of the dynamic range of recorded oscillations at the level of 120 dB during the passage of all the elements of the seismic channel. The new technology is oriented towards the use of domestic samples of geophysical equipment and instruments: a cable-free system SCOUT registering seismic oscillations and highly sensitive seismic sensors MTSS-1001 created on the basis of innovative molecular electronic technology and unparalleled anywhere in the world.

   GIS INTEGRO algorithms and software

Architectural features of GIS INTEGRO software.
Shumikhin A.S.

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An original plug-in architecture with a support technology have been created and used for the improvement of geoinformation software system INTEGRO. The technology in question can be embedded into the pre-existing application and allows to create an efficient, portable, object-oriented code for extending the application with pluggable modules. A model-driven approach is used to provide a binary interface between the host application and the extension modules, for which interface code in the programming language of choice (C++ for INTEGRO) is generated on the basis on XML descriptions. The technology defines interfaces and alogorithms used to discover extensions, and on its basis a Model-View-Controller like UI architecture was developed which allows to weaken GUI vendor lock-in for the application.
Keywords: plug-in architecture, object-oriented programming, graphical user interface, application binary interface, C++, INTEGRO.

Visualization of borehole information in the GIS INTEGRO.
Drovninov D.A.

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The article describes the structure of wells data storage in GIS INTEGRO. Methods of data visualization for one well are described. Examples of visualization for a group of wells on different types of scenes in GIS INTEGRO are given. Development prospects for the wells processing block are described.

Fitting algorithm for surfaces of anomalies based on the analysis of the gravity gradient vector.
Senner A.E., Pimanova N.N., Danilov M.S.

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The construction of 3D models of Earth anomalies is an important scientific and practical task. The article describes the developed algorithm for recognition and fitting the surfaces of anomalies. The initial data are the values of the gravity gradient vector specified at the nodes of a 3D regular network. A step-by-step algorithm and its variable parameters are described in detail. The algorithm can be used not only for the processing of gravity data, but also for solving some of the problems that analyze vector physical parameters in 3D space.

On numeric implementation of spectral method of gravimetry inverse problem.
Mitsyn S.V.

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A method of inverse gravimetric problem is reviewed – one that is based on regular rectangular grid density and field models. The research is based on a numerical implementation that is included in geological-analytical GIS INTEGRO. In the article some of the shortcomings of the method are pointed out, their causes and correction methods are discussed. A new algorithm based on the method is proposed, its conditioning is analyzed and a regularization method is suggested. The improved implementation is included in GIS INTEGRO.

  Solving practical tasks

Analysis of cartographic data, representing of the geophysical survey coverage (profiles and wells), for solving of practical problems of petroleum geology.
Arbuzova E.V., Lyubimova A.V., Tolmacheva E.R

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The article presents the results of the analysis of the geophysical survey coverage (profiles and wells) performed during the implementation of the quantitative assessment of HC-resources of the Russian Federation. We analyzed the current state of digital cartographic data, representing profiles and wells location, and identified the main problems that seriously complicate the practical use of such data. An original technological approach is proposed, which allows to calculate the formalized density indicators for the analyzed territory even in the conditions of the low quality of cartographic data. The implementation of the proposed approach was carried out by the authors of the article in the GIS INTEGRO. In conclusion, attention is focused on the need to change the existing scheme of conducting geological and geophysical studies to ensure its effective use for geological studies.

Forecast of oil and gas prospects of objects in regional seismic studies on emission waves
Fayzullin I.S., Seregin A.V., Volkov A.V., Fayzullin T.I.

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A technology of extracting emission waves from productive layers that arise during the seismic survey of CDP-2D is used for the forecast of oil and gas prospectivity of the facilities. Results of reprocessing of regional seismic profiles in Yenisei-Khatanga trough on the basis of this technology are presented. Selected hydrocarbon reserves are estimated for possible oil and gas potential of individual strata.

  Personnel training

Geoinformation technologies for education and training of personnel in the field of nature-use management.
Cheremisina Ye.N., Lyubimova A.V., Kreider O.A.

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The article discusses the use of geoinformation technologies in education and training of personnel in the field of nature-use management. Review of GIS packages used in education are presented. An original methodological and technological approach to the organization of a continuous training vertical for specialists in nature-use management is proposed. The approach is based on the GIS INTEGRO and includes six thematic training courses. In the article we present the main features of these trainings and the examples of their practical application in various educational programs.