Dynamics of Danube river delta in XXI century: study by satellite images.

№2 (2018)

Kravtsova V.I., Inushin A.N.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
Investigation of Danube River delta changes for 2002-2016 and comparison with delta dynamics at precede decades has been made. Study results has shown that Danube delta prolongs its protruding, its area increase for 11,6 km2; growth of delta sea edge is 11,91km2, and erosion 10,31 km2. Increase of delta area is concentrate in Kilia part of delta, because the Kilia branch provide with the most part of sediment run off; delta part between Sulina and St/Georg branches is exposed by erosion. Temp of delta growth in comparison with 1972-2002 period has increased twice, and temp of erosion decreased twice. High resolution satellite images show that previous delta geosystems – reed plavni –begin intensive using. Meliorated territories turned into agricultural fields, rice plantations are created, fish farms, plantations for reed growth and cutting, for forest growth were appeared. All of them are shown at the map of natural and anthropogenic geosystems, compiled for the first time.
Kravtsova Valentina Ivanovna, doctor of geographical sciences, leading researcher of Faculty of Geography Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1. MSU, Faculty of Geography. E-mail: valentinamsu@yandex.ru.

Inyushin Aleksandr Nikolaevich, magistr of Cartography and Geoinformatic Department, Faculty of Geography Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, MSU, Faculty of Geography, E-mail: stormy94@mail.ru.

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Section: Geoecology

Keywords: delta, satellite images, dynamics, accumulation, erosion, nature, anthropogenic geosystems.