Local correlation of spatial geological data based on the comparison of field gradient values.

№4 (2019)

Baranov A.I.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
Theoretical basis and its mathematical model for local correlation of two spatial variables have been developed. It reflects coherent change of values depending on the spatial position. The proposed method is based on the representation of spatial variables in the form of continuous fields and their gradients’ comparison. Local correlation algorithm has been developed and used for the automatic creation of correlation surfaces. The technology has been tested on the areal lithogeochemical surveying data. It also can be used for the processing of any other spatially distributed data.
Baranov Anatoly Igorevich, Leading Geologist of the Regional Geochemistry Department of A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (FGBU «VSEGEI»). 74, Sredny prospect, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russia. E-mail: anatoly_baranov@vsegei.ru.
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Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Keywords: local correlation, applied geochemistry, interpolation, geological modelling, surface, GIS, Trans-Onega area.