UAS rewiev for mapping.

№3 (2019)

Kurkov V.M.,Smirnov A.V.,Kuznetsov V.A. 

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
This article describes all the important UAS technical characteristics, their influence on photogrammetric processing, gives estimates of productivity and regulations, recommends UAS selection options for the solution of certain mapping tasks.

Kurkov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Assistant Professor of Department of Photogrammetry, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK). 105064, Moscow, Gorokhovsky Per., 4, E-mail:

Smirnov Alexey Vladimirovich, Aspirant of Department of Photogrammetry, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), manager of Technical Support Department of Racurs co. 129366, Moscow, Yaroslavskaya street, 13a. E-mail:

Kuznetsov Vasily Anatolyevich, Candidate of Military Sciences, Deputy Head of the Fuel and Energy Sector Department of Zala Aero co. 426011, Izhevsk, 40 let Pobedy street, 118. E-mail:

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Section: Application of GIS technologies

Keywords: review, UAS, aerial surveying, mapping, monitoring.