Digital technologies of the future — modern solutions in Earth sciences

№3 (2024)

Naumova V.V., Patuk M.I., Eremenko A.S., Zagumennov A.A., Eremenko V.S.

УДК 004.85

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article discusses technologies that can radically change the development of many areas at once: artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, big data, wireless communication technologies, distributed registry systems. The authors consider a number of promising technologies of the near future that currently have prospects for application in Earth sciences.

Vera V. Naumova
Prof., head of SGM scientific department
Vernadsky State Geological Museum RAS
11/11, Mokhovaya st., Moscow, 125009, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-3001-1638
AuthorID: 1968
SPIN: 3919-4475

Michail I. Patuk
PhD, researcher of SGM scientific department
Vernadsky State Geological Museum RAS
11/11, Mokhovaya st., Moscow, 125009, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-3036-2275

Alexander S. Eremenko
Сontract programmer of SGM scientific department
Vernadsky State Geological Museum RAS
11/11, Mokhovaya st., Moscow, 125009, Russia
Ph.D, Senior researcher
Institute of automatic and control processes of FEB RAS
St. Radio, 5, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-1923-8417

Aleksei A. Zagumennov
Сontract programmer of SGM scientific department
Vernadsky State Geological Museum RAS
11/11, Mokhovaya st., Moscow, 125009, Russia
Junior researcher
Institute of Automation and Control Processes of FEB RAS
St. Radio, 5, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
AuthorID: 641587
SPIN: 2196-4572

Vitaliy S. Eremenko
Researcher of SGM scientific department
Vernadsky State Geological Museum RAS
11/11, Mokhovaya st., Moscow, 125009, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-5250-5743
AuthorID: 984069
SPIN: 3939-5998

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Key words: Earth sciences; artificial intelligence; quantum technologies; big data; wireless communication technologies; distributed ledger systems

Section: Information systems in geology and geophysics