Investigation of the process of obtaining geospatial knowledge about the territory

№2 (2024)

Yankelevich S.S.

УДК 528.9

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
The article analyzes ways to obtain geospatial knowledge about territories based on geodata and industry-specific knowledge about the impact of terrain conditions on the implementation of various types of activities. The process of extracting geospatial knowledge about a given territory is formalized, various options and corresponding types of geospatial knowledge about territories are considered, and examples of their implementation are given. A methodological provision is proposed that establishes the basic essence of obtaining geospatial knowledge about the territory.
Svetlana S. Yankelevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences Academic, Associate Professor
Vice-rector for Educational Work and Youth Policy Academic
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
10 Plakhotnogo Str., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russia
ORCID: 0001-8799-9926
Researcher ID: W-3237-2019
ScopusID: 57221731048
SPIN-код: 7068-9529
AuthorID: 687943
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Key words: geospatial knowledge; geodata; formalization; knowledge acquisition.

Section: Theory of informatics