The factors determining the limitations of the effectiveness of seismic-gravitaty modeling

№ 4 (2023)

УДК 550.8.053

Shirokova T.P., Sokolova T.B.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
Using real-world objects, we studied the factors affecting the effectiveness of seismic-gravity modeling. The possibilities of the method and the factors limiting the geological efficiency of the complex interpretation of gravity and seismic exploration are considered on practical examples. The expediency of considering two groups of factors is shown: “objective”, depending on the physical-geological parameters (features of the physical-geological model), and in this context unchanged, and methodological — actively selected during the survey planning, and in this context regulated.
Tatiana P. Shirokova
Junior Researcher
All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

Tatiana B. Sokolova
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Senior Researcher
Lomonosov Moscow State University
1, Leninskiye Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia
e-mail: :
AuthorID: 887451

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Key words: gravity, interpretation, modeling, seismic-gravity modeling