The potential of remote sensing materials to restore of a highly detailed DEM of the floodable part of the river floodplain of large rivers

№4 (2022)

Krasnopeyev S.M., Nerov I.O., Bugaets A.N.

УДК 004.550

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The results of the application of remote sensing data are presented to solve the problem of constructing a highly detailed DEM of floodable part of the river floodplain in order to improve the accuracy of numerical hydrodynamic modeling.
Hydrodynamic modeling is necessary to predict the spread of a flood wave and to ensure activities to mitigate the scale of the negative impact of waters in the Amur River basin, which is one of the most flood-prone areas of the Russian Federation. Remote sensing image data acquired from domestic spacecraft “Resurs-P” and “Canopus-V” allowed to fix the actual configuration of the Amur riverbed, and the use of a time series of satellite images together with the results of hydrological monitoring of the water level by the observation network of Roshydromet increased the degree of correctness of reproducing the relief of the floodable part of the river floodplain. The results of the experiment on a model site in the area of the village of Troitskoye (lower course of the Amur River), characterized by minor height changes, allow us to assert that a time series of satellite images, taking into account the results of hydrological monitoring of the water level by the observation network of Roshydromet, can serve as a source of sufficiently detailed information about the relief of the flooded area of the river floodplain of large rivers.
Sergey M. Krasnopeyev
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Leading Researcher
Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PGI FEB RAS)
7, Radio str., Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8409-7062
SCOPUS ID: 244809700
Researcher ID: K-2970-2018
SPIN: 9063-6187

Igor O. Nerov
Head of the Water Management Department
Russian Research Institute for Integrated Use and Protection of Water Resources, Far Eastern Branch
66, Krasnoe Znamya Ave., Vladivostok, 690014, Russia
SPIN: 6387-7650

Andrey N. Bugaets
Phd in technical sciences, head of the laboratory
Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PGI FEB RAS)
7, Radio str., Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
WOS Research ID: Q-5730-2016
SCOPUS ID: 6507642073
SPIN: 1441-0287

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Key words: digital elevation model, remote sensing, floodplain of large rivers

Section: Conference proceedings ITES-2022