GIS INTEGRO: new opportunities for training students in geological and geophysical fields

№3 (2022)

УДК 378:004.9(504.06)

Toloknova K.V., Drovninov D.A., Lyubimova A.V.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article discusses modern innovative opportunities for the preparation of students of geological and geophysical directions. The article focuses on the feasibility of applying information technologies in the process of training. The review of the block of processing of downhole information of the GIS INTEGRO software complex in the context of its use in the educational process is carried out.
Kristina V. Toloknova
Leading Specialist of the Geoinformatics Division of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia

Dmitry A. Drovninov
Leading Specialist of the Geoinformatics Division of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia

Anna V. Lyubimova
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Head of the GIS and Digital Cartography Department
of the Geoinformatics Division of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
Head of the Department of GIS Technologies, Institute of Systems
Analysis and Management, Dubna State University,
19 Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 41980, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8075-937X

  1. Dalinger V.A. Innovatsionnye pedagogicheskie tekhnologii – provodniki novykh obrazovatel’nykh standartov [Innovative pedagogical technologies as conductors of new educational standards]. Mezhdunarodnyi zhurnal ehksperimental’nogo obrazovaniya. 2014;3-2:167-169.
  2. Drovninov D.A. Visualization of borehole information in the GIS INTEGRO. Geoinformatika. 2018;3:76-83.
  3. Cheremisina Ye.N., Lyubimova A.V., Kreider O.A. Geoinformation technologies for education and training of personnel in the field of nature-use management. In: Geoinformatika. 2018;3:111–115.

Key words: geological information systems, education, GIS Integro, modern education, processing of borehole information

Section: Geoinformation systems