Improving the accuracy of localization of unmanned vehicles based on an electronic terrain map

№2 (2022)

Kryukov Yu.A., Teryaev L.N., Bobikov S.A.

УДК 004.9+681.5

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
The article uses an algorithm for applying the probability algorithm for the occurrence of unmanned vehicles based on the use of a system for ROS robotic devices. As part of the study, the task was set to determine the exact position of an object (robotic vehicle), which, without special use of tools, was placed inaccurately in the GPS assembly. The task posed in the search was solved using ROS by creating a three-dimensional map of the area and refining the data using GPS using an algorithm.
Yuri A. Kryukov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at Dubna University
19 Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141982, Russia

Lev N. Teryaev
PhD student, Director of the Center for Open Educational Technologies at Dubna University
19 Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141982, Russia

Stanislav A. Bobikov
Master’s Degree, specialist in educational and methodological work of the Central Educational Institution at Dubna University
19 Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141982, Russia

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Key words: robot operating system, depth camera, 3D map, positioning accuracy

Section: Application of GIS technologies