The use of geoinformation technologies in applied tasks of agricultural lands monitoring

№2 (2022)

Afanasyev V.S.

УДК 631.95: 504.064.37

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
The article discusses software technologies for processing Earth remote sensing (ERS) data used in applied tasks of agricultural lands monitoring. Some results of interpretation of aerial photographs taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are given. The potential for use of Landsat-8 images is presented, including modern methods for digital improvement of their quality. An analysis of satellite images from open sources was carried out, which makes it possible to identify problem areas by indirect and direct signs.
Vladislav S. Afanasyev
Junior Researcher of Land Reclamation Department of All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A. N. Kostyakov
44, build. 2, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya str., Moscow, 127550, Russia
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Key words: UAV, processing and analysis of remote sensing data, decryption of aerial photographs, software, vegetation indices, water indices

Section: Application of GIS technologies