Geoinformation support for environmental risk assessment in countries of European Union
Kuzmin S.B., Lopatkin D.A.
Digitalization in geological exploration: a review and analysis of the current state
Cheremisina E.N., Kostyleva T.V., Muradyan A.V.
Abstract spatial structures of point objects and their application in geoinformatics
Eremeev S.V.
About the main stages in the development of the theory of analytic continuation geophysical fields and possible prospects of use in modern geographic information systems
Eremeev S.V.
Development of a technology for geoinformation modelling of forest ecosystems (part 1)
Vagizov M.R.
Using Microsoft Excel for mapping indicators of sustainable development of territories
Knaub R.V., Ignatieva A.V.
Modeling the ecological and economic situation in the region on the example of the Federal District of Russia
Shamaeva E.F., Kapkov R.Y., Surskova E.S.