Editorial Board

Editor in Chief
Eugenia N. Cheremisina
Doctor of technical science, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of Geoinformatics Departmentat All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Director of the Institute for System Analysis and Management of the State University «Dubna», Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: head@geosys.ru

Deputy Editor in Chief
Anna V. Lyubimova
Candidate of technical science (PhD), head of GIS and digital cartography division of Geoinformatics Department of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, head of the Department of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies of the Dubna University, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: a.lyubimova@geosys.ru

Dmitriy E. Andrianov
Doctor of Technical Science, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, head of the Department of Information systems of the Murom Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov”, Murom, Russian Federation
e-mail: andrianovde@inbox.ru

Alexander Yu. Voronin
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of the Department of Management of the Novosibirsk National State University., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
e-mail: voronin25@list.ru

Eugeniy P. Istomin
Doctor of technical science, Professor, head of the Applied Informatics Department, director of Scientific Department “Institute of Information Systems and Technologies”, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
e-mail: biom@bk.ru

Samuil A. Kaplan
Candidate of technical science (PhD), head of division for seismic and geophysical wells data processing and interpretation of Geoinformatics Department of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Москва, Russian Federation
e-mail: lab6-vniigeosistem@yandex.ru

Anatoliy S. Minzov
Doctor of technical science, Professor, head of the Department for Integrated Business Security of the Engineering-Economic Institute of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», professor of the Department for System Analysis And Management of the State University «Dubna», Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: 9083083@rambler.ru

Arutyun V. Muradyan
Candidate of technical science (PhD), head of Editorial and Publishing Center of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, associate professor of Department of System Analysis and Management of the Dubna University.,
Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: a.muradyan@geosys.ru

Aleksey A. Nikitin
Doctor of physical and mathematical science, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Technical Science, professor of Department for Nuclear and Radiometric Methods and Geophysical Well Logging of Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after S. Ordjonikidze, professor of Department for Geophysical Methods of Earth Crust Investigation of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: nikitinaa@mgri.ru

Vladimir I. Poroscun
Doctor of geological science, Deputy Director General for geoinformatics of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: poroskun@vnigni.ru

Igor N. Rozenberg
Doctor of technical science, Professor, academic director of Scientific, Research, Engineering and Design Institute of Informatization, Automation, and Communication on Railway Transport, academic director of Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: i.rozenberg@gismps.ru

Sergey K. Turenko
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Geophysics of Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russian Federation
e-mail: turenkosk@tyuiu.ru

Mihail J. Finkelstein
Doctor of physical and mathematical science, head of division for 3D modelling of oil-and-gas bearing features of Geoinformatics Department of All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: m.finkelstein@geosys.ru

Leonid E. Chesalov
Doctor of technical science, Deputy Director General for information technologies and information protection of Federal State Budgetary Institute «Gidrospetzgeologia»,
Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: chesalov@specgeo.ru