Features of application of geoinformation systems and technologies for solving production problems of JSC «Russian Railways»

№4 (2020)

УДК 004.9
DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-4-28-32

S.V. Duhin, A.A. Bayandurova, N.A. Duhina

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article discusses the possibility of creating effective geoinformation technologies to improve the operation of JSC «Russian Railways». The need for them is due to the huge scale of the territories occupied by the railway infrastructure, and the specifics of work activities that are associated with the organization of the transportation process. It is proposed to follow five principles when creating a unified railway GEODATA database: the use of a single coordinate base, the uniqueness of each object and the use of geographical coordinates as the primary key, the definition of a generalized graph of the railway network using a digital path model, the use of existing geoinformation resources, continuous updating and updating of information.
Dukhin Stepan Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department of Geoinformation systems and satellite technologies, Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and Telecommunications in Railway Transportation (JSC «NIIAS»). 27, bldg. 1 Nizhegorodskaya str., Moscow, 109029, Russia, JSC «NIIAS». Е-mail: s.duhin@vniias.ru.

Bayandurova Alexandra Alexandrovna, graduate, senior lecturer of the Department of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and navigation of the Federal state Autonomous educational institutionof higher education «Russian University of transport» (RUT (MIIT)). 9b9 Obrazcova Ulitsa, Moscow, 127994, Russia, RUT (MIIT), Institute of roads, construction and structures. Е-mail: alexandra.bayandurova@mail.ru.

Dukhina Natalia Aleksandrovna, graduate of the Department of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and navigation of the Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education «Russian University of transport» (RUT (MIIT)). 9b9 Obrazcova Ulitsa, Moscow, 127994, Russia, RUT (MIIT), Institute of roads, construction and structures. Е-mail: duhin.s@yandex.ru.

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Key words: geoinformation technology, single database, the railroad, digital model of the road.

Section: Application of GIS technologies