Methodological and technological aspects of exeption of the gravitational effect of the lower part of the earth’s crust in study of sedimentary cover of oil and gas-bearing areas.

№3 (2020)

УДК 550.831
DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-3-38-45

Spiridonov V.A., Pimanova N.N.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences

In the case of seismic density modeling of sedimentary basins, it is necessary to exclude fromthe observed gravitational field the effect created by inhomogeneities of the lower part of the crustal section. The article offers one of the approaches tothe geological field reduction, implemented through the construction of a 3D density model for the entire thickness of the earth’s crust and upper mantle. A fragment within the study area is selected from the constructed 3D model and its gravitational effect is calculated. Various options for implementing this approach are considered, depending on the amount of a priori information. The technological base of the method is GIS INTEGRO.

Spiridonov Viktor A., candidate of technical Sciences, head. sector of computer technologies for 3D modeling of geological and geophysical objects, Division of Geoinformatics, VNIGNI, 8 Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia. E-mail:

Pimanova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Ph.D. Leading Researcher, Division of Geoinformatics,VNIGNI. 8 Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia. E-mail:

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Keywords: Gravitational field, geologic reduction, density model, GSS profiles, inversion, structural framework of the model.

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes