Ecosystems of modern Huanghe River delta at various stages of its forming: investigation by satellite images.

№4 (2016)

Kravtsova V.I.,Chalova E.R.

The Huanghe River – one of the biggest rivers of the world – has very large sediments discharge, and, in accordance, changeable delta. Delta dynamics in past is well investigated. Modern state of this delta is well reflected at the map of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems, compiled by satellite images and presented in this paper. Comparison of this map with delta boundaries at various periods of its development after cannel turn to Bohai Sea in 1855 allows to investigate land use at different age parts of delta – traditional agricultural, possible after 50 years of surface formation as land, and modern types of aquaculture and hydro culture, and oil extraction, which has conflict with agricultural and aqua cultural environmental management. Experience of this investigation will help to analogical problems solution in river deltas in Russia.

Section: Geoecology

Keywords: delta, age, dynamics, environmental management, conflicts.