Physical properties of sand and sandy loam overlying formation in integral suffosion assessment within the carbonate karst area.

№1 (2017)

Drobinina E.V.,Kataev V.N.

AbstractAbout the Authors
The problem of integral assessment of suffosion hazard in the carbonate karst areas within the Moscow region are considered in the article. Assessment methods is based on score method, that widely applicable in engineering geology, and adapted for use in a software product ArcGIS. The main point of the methodological aspect is to lead to score form a number of factors according to expert approach taking into account weight of each factors depending on its role in the development process suffosion. Map constructed by combining of the maps of each factors, expressed in score form is the result of integral assessment of suffosion hazard.

Drobinina Elena V., graduate student of the Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydro-Geology of the Geological Department of Perm State National Research University. 15. Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia. E-mail:

Kataev Valery N., Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology of the Geological Department of Perm State National Research University. 15, Bukireva st.. Perm, 614990, Russia. E-mail:

Section: Application of GIS technologies

Keywords: suffosion hazard, soil suffosion, score method, integral assessment.