Borehole information proces-sing in the GIS INTEGRO.

№1 (2017)

Drovninov D.A.

AbstractAbout the Authors
The article deals with the processing system of borehole information in the GIS INTEGRO. The following is the description of the structure of the storage wells. Describes the ability to load, edit, and visualize information of single well and group of wells in the GIS INTEGRO.
In the description of the load data the problem of working with data of any structure and presents the solution implemented in the processing system of borehole information in the GIS INTEGRO. Examples of visualization of borehole information in the GIS INTEGRO.

Drovninov Dmitry A, Leading Specialist of the Department of Software for Integrated Processing of Geological and Geophysical Information, Department of Geoinformatics “VNIIgeosystem”, FSBI “VNIGNI” 8, Varshavskoye shosse, Moscow, 11710, Russia. E-mail:

Section: Geoinformation systems

Keywords: GIS INTEGRO, wells, borehole information