Algorithm for the identification of time evolutions of spatially distributed objects based on Barcodes.

№4 (2018)

Eremeev S.V.Andrianov D.E.Kovalev Yu.A.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article develops an algorithm that builds spatial objects based on Barcode. The algorithm for finding differences among time-varying spatial objects, based on Barcode, allows us to establish a topological connection between points, since it depends on the parameters. Unlike geometric, topological characteristics do not depend on the location of objects. The basis of the algorithm is the methods of computer topology, consisting of the Cech complex. As a result of the implementation of the algorithm, Barcodes of spatial objects and constructed objects are given on the basis of this algorithm. Also, graphs of Barcode data are plotted on which their differences are reflected at different time intervals. The work was tested in the GIS INGEO environment. The developed algorithm will allow to address to the same objects at their change in different time intervals, and also at the reference to them on different scales.

Eremeev Sergey Vladimirovich, PhD, associate Professor of Information systems dep. of the Murom institute (branch) of Vladimir State University. Dep. “Information Systems”, 23 Orlova st, Murom, Vladimirskaya reg, 602264. E-mail:

Andrianov Dmitry Evgenjevich, doctor degree in science, the senior lecturer, Managing chair of Information systems dep. of the Murom institute (branch) of Vladimir State University. Dep. “Information Systems”, 23 Orlova str., Murom, Vladimirskaya reg, 602264. E-mail:

Kovalev Yuri Anatolevich, graduate student of the Murom institute (branch) of Vladimir State University. Dep. “Information Systems”, 23 Orlova st, Murom, Vladimirskaya reg, 602264. E-mail:

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Section: Application of GIS technologies

Keywords: classification of spatial objects, topology, geoinformatics, Barcode.