Methodological approaches to the spatial regional landslide susceptibility assessment.

№2 (2018)

Krivoguz D.O.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
Landslides are a complex phenomenon that is now widely spread all over the world and damages not only the economies of individual countries and regions, but also leads to human casualties. Conducting spatial regional analysis of landslide susceptibility can become a basis for making managerial decisions, helping the population, planners and engineers to reduce the consequences, losses and damage caused by modern or future manifestations of landslides. In the article methodical approaches to the spatial analysis of landslide susceptibility with the help of GIS are considered. The author gives the main terminology of this approach, the general scheme of its implementation, a detailed mathematical analysis apparatus and recommendations for its implementation. The author also gives recommendations on the choice of factors affecting the landslides for their use in spatial regional analysis.
Krivoguz Denis Olegovich, Teaching assistant, junior research fellow of “Marine ecology” department Kerch state maritime technological university. 298309, Crimean Republic, Kerch, Ordzhonikidze, 82. E-mail:
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Section: Application of GIS technologies

Keywords: GIS, landslides, landslide susceptibility, spatial analysis, geoinformaics.