Automation of L.A. Sim structural-geomorphological method for reconstruction of shear tectonic stresses.

№2 (2019)

Gordeev N.A.,Molchanov A.B. 

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences

The development of the application is based on the automation and upgrading the structural-geomorfological (SGM) neotectonic stresses reconstruction method of L.A. Sim. This method is based on the application of a specific set of computer vision algorithms to the original elevation maps or satellite images of the terrain. The method consists of three stages: at the first stage, the necessary lineaments are decrypted, at the second – the search and measurement of angles between contiguous lineaments, at the third – classification by M.V. Gzovsky.
Selection of lineaments can be performed both manually and automatically using the skeletonization algorithm of a binarized height map. At the next stage, the procedure of searching for specific points on a skeletonized image or a hand-marked vector mask is applied. Next, at the points of intersection of the fault line with adjacent lineaments, angles are measured.
The classification stage is implemented as a chain of conditions that are checked for each value of the angles from the resulting array. Conditions are represented by the angle belonging to a given interval with a fixed average and unadjustable spread. Each type has a different set of conditions. After checking all the conditions for all found angle values, the probabilities of a fault belonging to one or another type are calculated.
The region of the Leno-Olenek interfluve was chosen for testing. The testing territory refers to the northeast of the Siberian platform. The initial elevation maps were taken from ASTER GDEM v2 data.
Testing should be considered successful because the most of the faults under consideration (21/25) were classified correctly. At the same time, a number of remarks have been identified for the future work.
Thus, a software tool that allows to automate the method L.A. Sim and significantly speed up the work on the determination of neotectonic stresses by this method has been created and successfully tested.

Gordeev Nikita A., junior researcher O.Yu. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of RAS. 10 Bol’shaya Gruzinskaya str., Moscow D-242, 123242, GSP-5. E-mail:

Molchanov Alexey B., post graduate student Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of physics, Theoretical physics department. Moscow, 119991, Leninskie Gory, 1. E-mail:

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Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Keywords: structural geomorphological method, neotectonics, computer vision, OpenCV, Python, skeletonization.