Capabilities of ArcGIS tools for structure analysis of power grids.

№2 (2019)

Karpachevsky A.M.Novakovsky B.A.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The paper deals with the basic concepts of network analysis in relation to electric networks, as well as the possibility of modules and geographic information tools of ArcGIS package for the calculation of three key indicators: power grid centrality of power lines, alternativeness of power supply and topological distance to the consumer. The peculiarities of electric networks as models of complex networks: hierarchy according to voltage classes, different functional types of vertices of the network (power plants and electrical substations) and the presence of specific types of connection of the taps. The study compares two models of representation of geographical networks – geometric and transport-and their corresponding modules GIS package ArcGIS – Utility Network and Network Analyst. It is proved that despite the fact that electric networks are inherently geometric, it is much more convenient to represent them in the form of a transport model. This gives you much more analysis and automation. The structure of electrical networks can be visualized using the proposed three indicators on the map, a fragment of which is given in the work. Such maps can be used to identify vulnerable areas of the network, which is important when planning activities for the development of the power system.

Karpachevsky Andrey Michailovich, PhD in Cartography, engineer, Federal State Educational Institute of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russia, Moscow, GSP-1, 1 Leninskiye Gory, MSU, Faculty of Geography. E-mail:

Novakovsky Boguslav Avgustovich, PhD in Cartography, professor, Federal State Educational Institute of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russia, Moscow, GSP-1, 1 Leninskiye Gory, MSU, Faculty of Geography. E-mail: dcaph@

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Section: Application of GIS technologies

Keywords: GIS-analysis, spatial structure, network analysis, graph theory, topology, electrical networks.