Geoinformation supplying and mapping of protection of administrative-territorial subjects from natural disasters.

№1 (2019)

S.B. Kuzmin

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences

The article presents the author’s methodology for assessing the protection of administrative-territorial subjects from natural disasters in the conduct of economic activities to control of natural and natural-technogenic emergency situations. The analysis was carried out for the countries of the world, the federal districts of Russia and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the Siberian Federal District. Good and verifiable results have been obtained that can contribute to ensuring the safety of the population with macroeconomic planning for the sustainable development of the countries of the world, geopolitical subjects, large regions.
Keywords: natural disasters, dangerous natural processes, prognosis and prevention of emergencies, administrative-territorial subjects.

Sergey B. Kuzmin, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher. 664033, Irkutsk, Ulanbatorskaya Str. 1. Institute of Geography mem. V.B. Sotchava of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
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Section: Geoecology

Keywords: natural disasters, dangerous natural processes, prognosis and prevention of emergencies, administrative-territorial subjects.