«Metallogeny» geoportal.

№1 (2019)

Tkachev A.V.,Bulov S.V.Chesalova E.I.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The «Metallogeny» geoportal is a key element of a spatial data infrastructure node being created in Vernadsky’s SGM RAS. Currently, the geoportal provides an organized access to a metadata catalog, interactive cartographic application, web-applications «World’s Largest mineral Deposits» and «Metallogenic Zonning of the Precambrian» and web-services related to them. Some supporting materials and explanatory information are also included in this structure. The geoportal is freely available. It is designed for a wide range of users: scientists, practicing geologists, graduate students, students and any other specialists using GIS technologies in the analysis of geological, but especially metallogenic information. The geoportal provides opportunities for any user not only to use the resources already placed on it, but also to publish their own spatial metadata, data and geoservices. This ensures their effective search and makes all of them much more accessible to a wide circle of interested specialists all over the world.

Tkachev Andrey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Sciences in Geology and Mineralogy, Main Researcher in Vernadsky’s State Geological Museum RAS (SGM RAS). Okhotny Ryad Str. 11, bld. 11. E-mail: a.tkachev@sgm.ru.

Bulov Stanislav Vladimirovich, Head of a Division in Vernadsky’s State Geological Museum RAS (SGM RAS). Okhotny Ryad Str. 11, bld. 11. E-mail: s.bulov@sgm.ru.

Chesalova Elena Igorevna, researcher of Vernadsky’s State Geological Museum RAS (SGM RAS). Okhotny Ryad Str. 11, bld. 11. E-mail: e.chesalova@sgm.ru.

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Section: Application of GIS technologies

Keywords: geoportal, geoinformation system, web-application, web-service, metallogeny

web-application, web-service, metallogeny