Review and Analysis of XAI Methods for Addressing Geoecological Zoning and Public Health Prevention Challenges

№4 (2024)

Trofimov Yu.V., Averkin A.N., Cheremisina E.N.

УДК 0048

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
This study focuses on the application of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in geoecological zoning tasks to support sustainable development and public health prevention. Amid increasing anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems and rising disease rates due to environmental degradation, emphasis is placed on early risk detection methods. The study highlights the importance of XAI in analyzing ecological data to mitigate the impacts of adverse factors on population health. Integrating XAI with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) not only provides high accuracy in geoecological forecasting but also enhances the transparency of these forecasts for experts, aiding informed decision-making in the fields of geoecology and healthcare.
Special attention is given to early diagnosis of health risks, such as respiratory and oncological diseases, through the use of XAI in analyzing environmental data and medical images. Explainable AI enhances the transparency and understandability of diagnostic processes for medical professionals, fostering trust in analytical outcomes. Implementing XAI in healthcare can not only improve diagnostic accuracy but also optimize healthcare resources by reallocating them toward disease prevention.
A review of existing decision support systems (DSS) demonstrates the efficacy of hybrid models combining neural networks and fuzzy logic to enhance the precision and interpretability of medical forecasts. These models open new prospects for personalized medicine, improving preventive strategies and providing individual recommendations based on comprehensive analyses of environmental and medical data.
A critical aspect of the study is territorial zoning aimed at managing environmental risks and disease prevention. This approach not only reduces the burden on healthcare systems but also promotes sustainable territorial development, taking into account the influence of environmental and social factors on population health.

Yuriy V. Trofimov
PhD Student
Department of Ecology and Earth Sciences
Dubna State Universitys
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, 141980, Russia
Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Dubna State University
ORCID: 0009-0005-6943-7432
Scopus Author ID: 57221465588
ResearcherID: LRT-9153-2024
SPIN-код: 3718-899
AuthorID: 1083410

Aleksey N. Averkin
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Leading Researcher
Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC CSC RAS)
44, build. 2, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119333, Russia
Associate Professor at the Department of Systems Analysis
and Management
Dubna State University
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, 141980, Russia
Scopus Author ID: 57192557075
ResearcherID: L-6541-2013
SPIN-код: 5753-1636
AuthorID: 61393

Eugenia N. Cheremisina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Head of the Geoinformatics Department
All-Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute (VNIGNI)
8, Varshavskoe shosse, 117105, Moscow, Russia
Head of the Department of Systems Analysis and Management
Dubna State University
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-6041-8359
SPIN-код: 1472-2283
AuthorID: 119359

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Key words: sustainable development; explainable artificial intelligence (XAI); ecological zoning; geographic information systems (GIS); neuro-fuzzy models; disease prevention; environmental risks; decision support systems; healthcare

Section: Artifical intelligence in applied fields of knowledge