Geoecological assessment of oil-contaminated landscapes of the Republic of Bashkortostan

№4 (2024)

Nafikova E.V., Shaniyazova A.F., Aleksandrov D.V., Khuzhina R.R.

УДК 553.982.2

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
This article focuses on the geoecological assessment of territories affected by oil spills in the Republic of Bashkortostan from 2017 to 2023. The authors identify the main causes and negative consequences of such incidents, including technical failures, non-compliance with safety regulations, and human factors. The study includes an analysis of statistical data characterizing the number and types of spills by year and administrative regions, which highlights the most vulnerable areas, such as Tuymazinsky and Ufimsky districts, as well as the cities of Ufa and Oktyabrsky. Special attention is given to the impact of spills on soil and landscape cover. The authors note significant changes in the morphological, physicochemical, and microbiological properties of soils, leading to ecosystem degradation. An analysis of soil types and landscapes shows that oil spills most frequently occur on leached and dark gray soils, as well as on elevated and undulating plains. The article emphasizes the importance of comprehensive geoecological assessments for planning the region’s sustainable development and developing effective measures to prevent such incidents in the future. The authors provide recommendations for improving safety and monitoring measures, as well as the need to implement modern technologies for cleaning contaminated areas. In conclusion, the study underscores the necessity of continuous monitoring and assessment of environmental conditions to minimize the risk of ecological disasters and ensure public safety.

Elvira V. Nafikova
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution
of Higher Education “Ufa University of Science and Technology”
32, Zaki Validi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia
ScopusID: 49361682100
SPIN-код: 2784-1080

Alsu F. Shaniyazova
Student, Specialist in Civil Defense, 2nd category, Information and Analytical Department of the Territorial Center for Monitoring and Forecasting Emergency Situations of the Republic of Bashkortostan
State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Service for Ensuring Civil Protection Activities
12/1, 8 Marta str., Ufa, 450005, Russia
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ufa University of Science and Technology”
32, Zaki Validi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia

Dmitrii V. Alexandrov
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher
Education “Ufa University of Science and Technology”
32, Zaki Validi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia
ScopusID: 57673170000
SPIN-код: 1802-1095

Rusalina R. Khuzhina
Student, Specialist in Civil Defense, 2nd category, Information and Analytical Department of the Territorial Center for Monitoring and Forecasting Emergency Situations of the Republic of Bashkortostan
State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Service for Ensuring Civil Protection Activities
12/1, 8 Marta str., Ufa, 450005, Russia
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ufa University of Science and Technology”
32, Zaki Validi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia

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Key words: geoecological assessment; oil spill; petroleum products; statistical analysis; emergency situations; spill causes; prevention measures; impact on ecosystems; administrative regions; soil cover; landscape cover

Section: Geoecology