The use of block modeling to predict the variability of the bulk weight of titanomagnetite ore

№3 (2024)

Kantemirov V.D., Yakovlev A.M., Titov R.S.

УДК [622.12:553.494].004.94

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article presents the results of the performed studies using block modeling technologies to determine the volume weight of the titanium magnetite ore of the Northern deposit of the Gusevogorsky deposit, developed by EVRAZ KGOK OJSC. The methods used for laboratory studies of samples of titanium magnetite ore from exploration wells are described. The results of statistical processing of the obtained data are presented. The relationship between the bulk weight of the ore and the iron content in it has been established. Based on block modeling of the massif, a forecast was made for the deep horizons of the Northern Quarry of JSC EVRAZ KGOK on changes in the volume weight of ore and the total iron content in it, which will allow the company’s specialists to use the obtained data in geological and technological calculations.

Valery D. Kantemirov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Quality Management of Mineral Raw Materials
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
58, Mamin-Sibiryak str., Yekaterinburg, 620075, Russia
AuthorID: 179367
ResearcherID: G-6216-2014

Andrei M. Yakovlev
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
58, Mamin-Sibiryak str., Yekaterinburg, 620075, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-8285-6387
AuthorID: 618658

Roman S. Titov
Senior Researcher
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
58, Mamin-Sibiryak str., Yekaterinburg, 620075, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-3569-2743
AuthorID: 179369
ResearcherID: G-6254-2014

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Key words: titanium magnetite ore; bulk weight; core; sampling; instrumental measurements; statistical data processing; block modeling

Section: Practical application