Assessment of the stability of permafrost landscapes in the developed territories of Western Yakutia

№3 (2024)

Shestakova A.A.

УДК 528.8, 551.34

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
Using GIS technologies, a Map of the resistance of permafrost landscapes of the developed territories of Western Yakutia on a scale of 1:1,000,000 to anthropogenic impacts was compiled. The ice content of the underlying rocks, soil temperature, the thickness of the active layer and the distribution of cryogenic processes were accepted as stability criteria. At the same time, a point system for assessing the stability of landscapes was used. Spatial analysis of permafrost landscapes showed that the largest areas are occupied by stable landscapes (66.8%), relatively stable and relatively unstable landscapes occupy 19,5 and 13,7%, respectively.

Aliona A. Shestakova
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Melnikov Permafrost Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
36, Merzlotnaya str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-0648-0362
SCOPUS ID: 57207798418
Researcher ID: Y-9063-2018
SPIN: 3811-5061

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Key words: permafrost landscapes; stability; cryogenic processes; natural risks; anthropogenic impact; soil temperature; ice content of sediments

Section: Geoecology