Theoretical and methodological bases for visualizing geospatial data, linked data and multimedia data without programming
Kukharenko E.L..
Prozorova G.V., Kling E.E.
Application of machine learning classification algorithms to predict probability of channel presence from seismic data
Oreshkova M.Yu., Butorin A.V.
Analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of currents in the Kerch strait
Istomin E.P., Petrov Y.A., Martyn I.A., Novozhilova E.S.
Nikashin K.I., Zorina S.O.
Assessment of the stability of permafrost landscapes in the developed territories of Western Yakutia
Shestakova A.A.
Digital technologies of the future — modern solutions in Earth sciences
Naumova V.V., Patuk M.I., Eremenko A.S., Zagumennov A.A., Eremenko V.S.
Experience in using the «Sherpa» software package during field work and its integration with GIS INTEGRO
Spiridonov I.V., Dunaev D.A., Valeev N.N.
The use of block modeling to predict the variability of the bulk weight of titanomagnetite ore
Kantemirov V.D., Yakovlev A.M., Titov R.S.