Interpretation and origin determination of oil seepages using marine seismic data: a case study of the Western Continental Margin of India

№1 (2024)

Loginov D.S.

УДК 528.88 + 528.94 + 550.834.05

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
This article discusses the experience of a joint using remote sensing data, marine seismic data and open geoscientific data to search for natural mineral oil seepages. The study was carried out as part of an assessment of oil prospects in the offshore sedimentary basins of the Arabian Sea on the west coast of the Indian Peninsula. The methodology is based on visual interpretation of natural and anthropogenic oil seepages using Sentinel-2 multispectral imageries. Modern offshore seismic data is used to establish the mineral origin of oil seepages by the presence of reservoirs and fault systems as possible sources of hydrocarbons and channels for their migration to the surface, respectively. The final map of detected oil seepages location is the result of research. Areas of natural mineral oil seepages accumulation confined to the western continental margin of India have been identified. Recommendations for exploration activities in the Kutch, Saurashtra and Kerala-Konkan offshore sedimentary basins were given. The acquired experience of visual interpretation of multispectral satellite data confirms efficiency of marine seismic data application for delineation of natural oil seepages of mineral origin in the areas of intensive navigation. The proposed methodology of research can be used as an indirect assessment of oil prospects in the Western Continental Margin of India and other areas of the world ocean.

Dmitriy S. Loginov
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Leading GIS specialist
Limited liability company “Tselevoi Gorizont”
2(1), 3-ya Khoroshevskaya st., Moscow, 123308, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0853-1757
SCOPUS ID: 57194408117
ResearcherID: S-4977-2016
SPIN: 5535-6262

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Key words: Arabian Sea, visual interpretation, natural oil seepages, Western Continental Margin of India, marine seismic data, Sentinel-2

Section: Geoecology