Adaptable software tools for searching objects-analogues tasks in NO-CODE concept

№1 (2024)

Prozorova G.V., Skochina P.S., Saranchin S.N., Chingalaev M.A.

УДК 004.9

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The paper is devoted to the problem of methodological and software support for the search of object analogues, performed when solving the problems of modelling and designing the development of oil and gas fields. The article shows that there is no single generally accepted methodology for searching analogues, existing methodologies differ in applied similarity criteria and search algorithms, are adapted to the search conditions, and are modernised. With the inconsistency of methods computer programs for searching analogues are created at a low level of abstraction, for a limited range of tasks, the existing developments are integrated with corporate databases and in general do not solve the problem of providing analysts with pro-software tools. As a solution we propose the development of programs for searching analogues in the concept of “no-code” (without programming) on the basis of analytical platforms. The “no-code” approach will allow analysts without involving programmers to create software tools for searching analogues, implementing their own variant methods. The article presents the authors’ algorithm for express analysis of data at the initial stage of analogue search and the software tool that implements it, created “no code” on the basis of the Russian analytical platform Loginom.

Galina V. Prozorova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of Intelligent Systems and Technologies
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Industrial University of Tyumen”
38, Volodarsky str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-1080-8826
Scopus Author ID: 57192106444
AuthorID: 720104

Polina S. Skochina
Master’s degree student
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Industrial University of Tyumen”
38, Volodarsky str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia

Sergey N. Saranchin
Deputy General Director
LLC “Expertneftegaz”
116, building 1, Melnikaite str., Tyumen, 625007, Russia

Mikhail A. Chingalaev
Lead Engineer
LLC “Expertneftegaz”
116, building 1, Melnikaite str., Tyumen, 625007, Russia

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Key words: search for analogues, oil and gas fields, software, development of “no-code”

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes